

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I am just overwhelmed with news.
You may also want to skip local TV news.

KXLY Spokane will have a special tonight at 6 on Providence Sacred Heart and Holy Family ICU's and their COVID patients. Interviews with the nurses, video from the ICU, and that sort of thing.

Take care of yourself.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
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Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
You may also want to skip local TV news.

KXLY Spokane will have a special tonight at 6 on Providence Sacred Heart and Holy Family ICU's and their COVID patients. Interviews with the nurses, video from the ICU, and that sort of thing.

Take care of yourself.
I have not had television in years. I only use it to watch old movies and TV shows like Rockford Files, Gunsmoke, I Love Lucy. Lol


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)

Worldwide (and it may be easier to view on the Financial Times webpage esp with smaller screens):



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
From the Kaiser Foundation:

Remembering it said that one of the smaller local hospitals was a "ghost town," about 16 months ago. Now, that hospital:


Crisis Standards of Care​



Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
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Northern Ontario, Canada
One of the things I've kept an eye on in the last few years is stats that reflect public perception of the media. One of the last reports I read about, I think it was called the Edelson Report, reported that in Canada at least 55% of the public does not trust the information distributed by media, and probably more specifically mainstream media. Given my social experiences with people, I think that's probably a conservative estimate, but it is a notable percentage. In Canada, this may be at least partly attributed to the fact that the present Prime Minister now has near total control of all mainstream media, although Justin would probably prefer the word 'subsidized'.

They don't even really try to hide it; in a newspaper today, at the end of several articles there was this itty-bitty italicized writing that said 'The Local Journalism Initiative is made possible through funding from the federal government'. So Justin paid them to say it. It's pretty well Soviet era level, of the Pravda variety. Still, for awhile there was a little more trust in local news, but that appears to have eroded as well. I think, in a nutshell, a large number of people in both Canada and the US no longer believe something just because it makes it's way onto a published graph, or newspaper, or magazine or news channel. The stats point to people becoming much more selective of what sources they go to for information and news. The internet has helped with this, given the proliferation of platforms and options. 'Trusted news source' is a bit of a misnomer.

I had an experience recently which brought home for me some of this in a more direct way. It was a bit of a window into the situation of things, and I don't need to refer to any statistics, even Edelson's, because it was an experience. I thought is was rather interesting, so I thought I'd post about it.

I'm a freedom rally gal, or what some would call 'a protester'. Specifically, I protest peacefully with other like-minded people against vaccine passports, medical coercion and medical apartied. There are regular freedom rallies held in my town, weekly. I've only just started attending them as I wanted to be sure they were safe for my kids, and also it is really hard to find out about them because the internet is scrubbed of any meet information immediately. The narrative I've heard thus far in any and all media about such protests, is that it's a small number of protesters, we prevent people from accessing healthcare services, we stress out nurses and other health professionals with our presence near hospitals, we are disruptors and interuptors. I could go on, but that is the gist of it. It's reliably repetitve.

The 1st last rally I went to was picked up by the local media, CBC. This can often turn into national news. (The 2nd one they didn't , too many people present). They ran all the above info I listed. Yes, we were in front of a hospital, but still far away from it on a busy street. What they didn't say is so ridiculous it borders on tragic comedy. I can see why they lie. This is what they didn't tell anybody in the news clip they ran, along with the story. That the rally was organized by local nurses! Yes, they were there in number, and I stood next to and spoke with many of them. Of all ages, some starting out, some had been working for decades. Many of them have lost all faith in the health system. The whole situation was a great awakening for them. There were teachers there too I spoke with, who could not abide with mobile vaccine clinics entering the schools without parents present, who would prefer losing their job than cooperating with medical tyranny and any risk to children's lives.

They didn't talk about or show the hundreds of cars that sat on their horns for a full half minute as they passed to show support, all the hands out the window with a thumbs up moving wildly up and down in the air. It was clear pretty quickly that we had absolutely overwhelming public support. I was actually quite surprised. This has been a union town for decades. Yes, there were a few who yelled and cursed from their cars, or put up as many middle fingers as they had. Mostly young people. The rare ones who really were concerned about public safety, put their cars in park in the middle of 5 lane rush hour traffic to get out and scream aggressively at everyone - the nurses, the elderly and the many small kids who were there with their families. Me thinks those ones were not much concerned with the health care workers. Also surprising, is the police obviously had clear order to protect us/the nurses - afraid possibly of having martyrs created. Their presence was palpable. The support from bus drivers, truck drivers, government workers in government vehicles, new canadians and seniors was staggering and consistent.

They also didn't mention the hospital staff, still wearing their scrubs, coming out with their own signs, on their lunch hour, to stand in solidarity with us instead of eating. That they want to be protected too, to have the freedom to decide for themselves and their own body. This is an overlooked demographic - the health care workers themselves who don't want the shot. The most common signs there were 'my body my choice' (and we all know where that one comes from). The recent situation in NY health workers seems to attest to this. There were people from all walks of life there, Mennonites, people from the reserves, French Canadians, young and old, families, single men and women.

The media 'reported' we blocked ambulances. 100% false. Never even saw an ambulance, They said we prevented cars from entering the hospital. 100% false. That we were very few in number. 100% false. That we were stressing out the health care workers, at least partly false. The entrance was a half kilometre from where we were, from the building they couldn't even see us. Staff was joining us. The pictures they took were so Pravda propagandised - always the edge of the line along the roadway where the group was more dispersed to de-incentivize anyone who might see our numbers and popularity want to join us. They took pictures of people with technology to catch them in a yawn or sneeze so they looked scary. It was all actually very funny to read the write up and see their video. All framed up so to be as misleading as possible. So, if there was every any doubt. The media lies. Big time. This whole thing has gone Soviet era, fast.

It was the best home school I ever gave my kids, given this period in human history, to have them read the internet media articles about the rally. The looks of shock on their faces! They will never trust mainstream media in their lifetime! Object lesson!

But I respect and honour the rights of others to have opinions different than my own. I cherish it in fact, because it means freedom is alive. 🦅


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
@heirloomgal , I have never been involved in anything that received media attention when I haven't felt that the coverage was entirely accurate and, in many cases, it was missing important information.

Let's look back at the preceding 3 pages where I have posted links. Four were media, with 3 local television stations and one a daily newspaper published in Great Britain.

Four links included 2 professional journals. Peer reviewed and all that - with one specific to epidemics. One is a nonprofit organization focused on major health care issues.

A story on CNN, I avoided posting even though it quoted the CEO of the largest hospital in this area and was linked by that hospital in its news releases. So, the hospital itself gave credibility to the story. It's just that so many people personally give CNN little credibility. BTW, CNN included information on the death of a local RN from Covid-19 after she had refused to be vaccinated.

Information that is not a personal experience must come from somewhere. Tapping the internet provides a broad spectrum of information. Some of it will be false and fabricated out of thin air. Some of it will be deliberately deceptive - for financial gain or even for international political competition.

We have options. Some are quite straightforward - whether to attend a meeting, or not. Whether to run a gauntlet of regulations, or not.

Oliver Wendell Holmes said something about someone's rights end where another person's nose begins. I'm not sure why that quote hasn't received more attention given the transmission nature of this epidemic virus.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
One of the things I've kept an eye on in the last few years is stats that reflect public perception of the media. One of the last reports I read about, I think it was called the Edelson Report, reported that in Canada at least 55% of the public does not trust the information distributed by media, and probably more specifically mainstream media. Given my social experiences with people, I think that's probably a conservative estimate, but it is a notable percentage. In Canada, this may be at least partly attributed to the fact that the present Prime Minister now has near total control of all mainstream media, although Justin would probably prefer the word 'subsidized'.

They don't even really try to hide it; in a newspaper today, at the end of several articles there was this itty-bitty italicized writing that said 'The Local Journalism Initiative is made possible through funding from the federal government'. So Justin paid them to say it. It's pretty well Soviet era level, of the Pravda variety. Still, for awhile there was a little more trust in local news, but that appears to have eroded as well. I think, in a nutshell, a large number of people in both Canada and the US no longer believe something just because it makes it's way onto a published graph, or newspaper, or magazine or news channel. The stats point to people becoming much more selective of what sources they go to for information and news. The internet has helped with this, given the proliferation of platforms and options. 'Trusted news source' is a bit of a misnomer.

I had an experience recently which brought home for me some of this in a more direct way. It was a bit of a window into the situation of things, and I don't need to refer to any statistics, even Edelson's, because it was an experience. I thought is was rather interesting, so I thought I'd post about it.

I'm a freedom rally gal, or what some would call 'a protester'. Specifically, I protest peacefully with other like-minded people against vaccine passports, medical coercion and medical apartied. There are regular freedom rallies held in my town, weekly. I've only just started attending them as I wanted to be sure they were safe for my kids, and also it is really hard to find out about them because the internet is scrubbed of any meet information immediately. The narrative I've heard thus far in any and all media about such protests, is that it's a small number of protesters, we prevent people from accessing healthcare services, we stress out nurses and other health professionals with our presence near hospitals, we are disruptors and interuptors. I could go on, but that is the gist of it. It's reliably repetitve.

The 1st last rally I went to was picked up by the local media, CBC. This can often turn into national news. (The 2nd one they didn't , too many people present). They ran all the above info I listed. Yes, we were in front of a hospital, but still far away from it on a busy street. What they didn't say is so ridiculous it borders on tragic comedy. I can see why they lie. This is what they didn't tell anybody in the news clip they ran, along with the story. That the rally was organized by local nurses! Yes, they were there in number, and I stood next to and spoke with many of them. Of all ages, some starting out, some had been working for decades. Many of them have lost all faith in the health system. The whole situation was a great awakening for them. There were teachers there too I spoke with, who could not abide with mobile vaccine clinics entering the schools without parents present, who would prefer losing their job than cooperating with medical tyranny and any risk to children's lives.

They didn't talk about or show the hundreds of cars that sat on their horns for a full half minute as they passed to show support, all the hands out the window with a thumbs up moving wildly up and down in the air. It was clear pretty quickly that we had absolutely overwhelming public support. I was actually quite surprised. This has been a union town for decades. Yes, there were a few who yelled and cursed from their cars, or put up as many middle fingers as they had. Mostly young people. The rare ones who really were concerned about public safety, put their cars in park in the middle of 5 lane rush hour traffic to get out and scream aggressively at everyone - the nurses, the elderly and the many small kids who were there with their families. Me thinks those ones were not much concerned with the health care workers. Also surprising, is the police obviously had clear order to protect us/the nurses - afraid possibly of having martyrs created. Their presence was palpable. The support from bus drivers, truck drivers, government workers in government vehicles, new canadians and seniors was staggering and consistent.

They also didn't mention the hospital staff, still wearing their scrubs, coming out with their own signs, on their lunch hour, to stand in solidarity with us instead of eating. That they want to be protected too, to have the freedom to decide for themselves and their own body. This is an overlooked demographic - the health care workers themselves who don't want the shot. The most common signs there were 'my body my choice' (and we all know where that one comes from). The recent situation in NY health workers seems to attest to this. There were people from all walks of life there, Mennonites, people from the reserves, French Canadians, young and old, families, single men and women.

The media 'reported' we blocked ambulances. 100% false. Never even saw an ambulance, They said we prevented cars from entering the hospital. 100% false. That we were very few in number. 100% false. That we were stressing out the health care workers, at least partly false. The entrance was a half kilometre from where we were, from the building they couldn't even see us. Staff was joining us. The pictures they took were so Pravda propagandised - always the edge of the line along the roadway where the group was more dispersed to de-incentivize anyone who might see our numbers and popularity want to join us. They took pictures of people with technology to catch them in a yawn or sneeze so they looked scary. It was all actually very funny to read the write up and see their video. All framed up so to be as misleading as possible. So, if there was every any doubt. The media lies. Big time. This whole thing has gone Soviet era, fast.

It was the best home school I ever gave my kids, given this period in human history, to have them read the internet media articles about the rally. The looks of shock on their faces! They will never trust mainstream media in their lifetime! Object lesson!

But I respect and honour the rights of others to have opinions different than my own. I cherish it in fact, because it means freedom is alive. 🦅
Thank you for posting this. Truth is alive.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
For those of you with children living at home, here is advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics*:

If you would like to read newspaper editorials and press releases endorsed by the Children's Hospital Association**:

67,000+ physician members
220 member, U.S. hospital organizations

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