Garden Master
I knew immediately that it was Simon, first because Simon is huge for a chipmunk, secondly he runs toward you when you call him, any other chipmunk would run away from a human. He first showed up five years ago and was a tiny thing just from his mother. I was reading on the lounge in the screenhouse and heard a sound beneath me and when I looked under the lounge there he was. I began feeding him and have done so for five years now. I read they only live three years, but in captivity can live up to eight years, so I guess not having to scrounge for food has increased his lifespan. I really have missed the little guy while sitting in the screenhouse during the afternoon.I was going to ask how you knew if it was really him and not another chipmunk but I see you answered my question. I like how your wife put that guilt trip on you.That is something I would have said! haha
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