Carol Dee
Garden Master
We got a few things in the ground a few weeks ago. Radish, turnip, peas ands potatoes. Since then it has been Rain, rain and more rain. We are officialy out of drought and right into FLOODING.
Crazy weather here.

I posted a dandelion recipe here. I am picking flowers too!the1honeycomb said:My sweet potatoes are growing roots!!!
I will plant them in feed bags in the morning!!!!
My corn is 2 inches tall! and I eat carrots out of my garden that were left from last year!!!!
I LOve Spring!!!:weight I have 2 hens sitting on nests and should have chicks in 2 weeks!!!
I am so close to being self sufficient!!! picking dandelions for jelly first try, anyone have this??
Got herthe1honeycomb said:. . . I'll be 75 % this year! . . .