Attractive To Bees
Thanks everyone. You pretty much confirmed the way I was leaning which was to remove the cardboard.
Cat - yes! I've been adding organic material ever since the first tilling. Last year I covered the entire plot with the bedding from the DLM (deep litter method) of my chicken coop. Several times. I use straw as the bedding and the bedding layer in a coop housing 100 chickens, turkeys and ducks was about 8" thick so that was quite a bit of bedding. In addition, I keep a compost crock (how elegant that sounds - in reality it is an old coffee can) on my kitchen counter and any compostable materials that the chickens won't eat, go into it. When its full, I take it to the garden, dig 4-5 holes, and bury 20-25% of the container in each hole. Fortunately, earthworms abound here and by giving them plenty to eat, they went forth and multiplied last year. One time I weeded an area where I had clearly previously buried compost. I know because I found a tiny scrap of banana peel with a sticker attached to it (from the store). But that was all I found, indicating the rest of what I had buried with it had already been incorporated.
I have also been researching cover crops for this year. I've never done a cover crop before but I think I've settled on Dutch White Clover. I mentioned to DH the other day that I might need to invest in a smaller tiller so that I can till when I need to without relying on the neighbor's "big tiller". It is a new area for me though so I appreciate the brand recommendation - it gives me a starting point to research.
Journey….I have an abundance of hay I can use as mulch if I run out of coop bedding, but DH was concerned using it was only adding weed seeds. Have you used it successfully in the past? We don't get lawn clippings here because our own mowers mulch and I've been reluctant to contact lawn services because there's no telling what chemicals have been used on the grass they are cutting. I would LOVE to get my hands on leaves but….we live in a rural area and people here don't rake their leaves and bag them like they do in the city. I probably need to go trolling nearby towns in the fall, looking for bags of leaves that people have put out at the curb
Lavender, that is a good point about watering. Right now it is damp under the cardboard but I imagine when it dries out, that will change, and getting water to the garden might prove difficult. Another great reason to remove the cardboard!
Cat - yes! I've been adding organic material ever since the first tilling. Last year I covered the entire plot with the bedding from the DLM (deep litter method) of my chicken coop. Several times. I use straw as the bedding and the bedding layer in a coop housing 100 chickens, turkeys and ducks was about 8" thick so that was quite a bit of bedding. In addition, I keep a compost crock (how elegant that sounds - in reality it is an old coffee can) on my kitchen counter and any compostable materials that the chickens won't eat, go into it. When its full, I take it to the garden, dig 4-5 holes, and bury 20-25% of the container in each hole. Fortunately, earthworms abound here and by giving them plenty to eat, they went forth and multiplied last year. One time I weeded an area where I had clearly previously buried compost. I know because I found a tiny scrap of banana peel with a sticker attached to it (from the store). But that was all I found, indicating the rest of what I had buried with it had already been incorporated.
I have also been researching cover crops for this year. I've never done a cover crop before but I think I've settled on Dutch White Clover. I mentioned to DH the other day that I might need to invest in a smaller tiller so that I can till when I need to without relying on the neighbor's "big tiller". It is a new area for me though so I appreciate the brand recommendation - it gives me a starting point to research.
Journey….I have an abundance of hay I can use as mulch if I run out of coop bedding, but DH was concerned using it was only adding weed seeds. Have you used it successfully in the past? We don't get lawn clippings here because our own mowers mulch and I've been reluctant to contact lawn services because there's no telling what chemicals have been used on the grass they are cutting. I would LOVE to get my hands on leaves but….we live in a rural area and people here don't rake their leaves and bag them like they do in the city. I probably need to go trolling nearby towns in the fall, looking for bags of leaves that people have put out at the curb
Lavender, that is a good point about watering. Right now it is damp under the cardboard but I imagine when it dries out, that will change, and getting water to the garden might prove difficult. Another great reason to remove the cardboard!