Shoot! I'm not sure how or why I got that first webpage to the USDA nutrient database linked. It took me about 5 minutes of trying to find the food search to come up with this one:
If I drink a bunch of water, I get terrible heart burn. So I have to have small 1 cups increments and even then I forget. I start and end my day with 8 oz of water each time.
I had heat exhaustion years ago with my ex. We were on the BMW bike and in AZ. I got dizzy, disoriented and threw up alot. I tried to drink but could not keep it down. Shower in cold water, cold compresses, AC in the motel (we were camping but had to make a date with a motel). Took me 24 hours to recover.
Definitely NOT drinking enough. Mowed the garden today. Took one break, but didn't think to drink (Played here instead). Finished mowing everything in the veggie garden on the highest setting and then started over at the proper height. Whew! Sunny and 90 (F) with rising humidity is not the best time to be out mowing. Someone has to do it and that's me.
Still have a small bit to finish, but I cried, "Mañana", and put everything away for today. Tomorrow I will finish the mowing and get to do sit-down-weeding work in the beds, with either a hat or the large table umbrella I use if it's not too windy.
I still need to take a shower, lather the salt-rinse out of my hair, get the birds settled down for the night, and wash up from supper. Bed sounds awfully appealing right now. Winding down-n-n-n.