Garden Master
When I read the title of this thread, all I could think of was:
You've got my vote, for... whatever!!!
You've got my vote, for... whatever!!!

We’ve not seen $4.00 beef for 15 years! This year the Yak was $6.50 per and the Beef was $7.00 per! And, that’s for hanging sides; i do all my own cutting and wrapping!Cleaned out most of my 7 cu ft porch freezer yesterday. Had to throw away all of the ice cream, bc it was gummy.
Also SOMEHOW 3 bags of frozen corn, vintage 2013, kept getting put back in this freezer.
Didn't want to eat it, so I put it out with coffee grounds in the garden to compost down, OR, end up being eaten by wild animals. I don't like to throw away food to fill a landfill if I don't have to.
Meanwhile, many would say that I should simply eat the other vegetables in the freezer.
Agreed, but I have never pressure canned low acid vegetables before and I wanted some experience.
I hot water bath canned 3 1/2 quarts of cherries, 1 pint of grape juice, then pressure canned 2 quarts of corn (from frozen,) 2 quarts of Brussels Sprouts (from frozen,) and 1 quart of broccoli (from frozen.)
I read that the Brussels Sprouts don't can well, so I have looked up recipes with bacon and maple syrup and I will be making those in the next 2 weeks.
I also heard that broccoli falls to pieces when pressure canned, so I will have that quart with eggs this weekend.
11 pounds pressure, 90 minutes for quarts
Starting frozen I didn't need to blanche.
I already volun-told DD's that they will be moving all of the boxes of premade frozen hamburgers from the big freezer to the porch freezer this evening.
Then, we can decide what meat to bring up from the basement (steak, roast and specialty meat) freezer.
We had decided to make hamburgers for Saturday nights for awhile, but changed the plans after I took an accounting of what beef is left from 2023, where we picked it up in April.
We have 38 steaks, SO, tonight we will eat steak.
Every cut ended up costing us $4/lb
Dunno what the cow will cost me this year, but I am thinking it won't be much more than that.
Eldest DD is FINALLY going shopping to replace their broken microwave and broken dishwasher, which haven't worked for a couple of years now.
She and sister are going to bit the bullet. Dishwashers today notoriously don't last long.
They put the wiring so that it can get attacked by moisture and short out.
They have a friend who secured a working old timey dishwasher with a knob, and hers is reliable.
It's all about time or money and both gadjets will give them extra time.