DUCKS for THEE in 2023


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Last week's storm blew in one of my north facing storm windows. Here I was trying to put it back in, new plexiglass separating from the frame and BOWING from the 60 mph gusts. :eek:
I used T Rex clear tape on it, put it back in, secured the screen in front and I am crossing my fingers that we don't have another such wind storm before the warm weather and open porch window season begins.
Ducks, EVER the adventurer who marches forward on tasks not-yet-learned, is about to become a carpenter.
I cannot replicate the storm window that hooks onto my living room, east facing window and has a hook and totally seals out the drafts. The window wells on the porch storm windows are too shallow for this.
I will be researching window making. I think that Farm and Fleet still sells a plexiglass product that you can saw too fit. I am blowing through my $20 gift card there this afternoon, so measurements will need to be taken.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
By the way, I have been driving withOUT my current insurance card for 2 months now. DH announced that he has my card. He did NOT. I called DD's for help. I said, "if it's MY problem, it's EVERYBODY'S problem!" This was the email exchange.




Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
We have a thread about what you will be growing that is new to you. I heard a general talk about how only the poppy was able to grow in the churned up fields of World War I, and that is why the red poppy is used to symbolize our remembrance.
Maybe we should consider growing them?
"Vast swathes of once pristine countryside were trampled by soldiers and scorched by their weapons, leaving a muddy and seemingly barren mess. But poppies, which grow when their seeds are exposed to sunlight through disturbances to soil, managed to bloom."
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below…

Branching Out

Deeply Rooted
Dec 2, 2022
Reaction score
Southwestern B.C.
We have a thread about what you will be growing that is new to you. I heard a general talk about how only the poppy was able to grow in the churned up fields of World War I, and that is why the red poppy is used to symbolize our remembrance.
Maybe we should consider growing them?
Last spring I tried growing Flander's poppies in medium sized red containers; I had this notion that I could sneak up to the local veterans' Legion hall, and place the flower pots by the front door once they were in bloom. Turns out the poppies hated being in a container, and they were a total flop. I only got a handful of blooms in 5 containers; 5 containers of Amazing Grey Shirley poppies too, that also failed to thrive. It would be nice to have an untamed area of the garden to scatter the poppy seeds with reckless abandon, so they could blow in the breeze. I think the poppies would like that a lot better.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I have been merely a lurker all week!! :caf:caf:caf:pop:pop:pop :hit
So busy!! Our mayor didn't post our study session for creating next year's budget, so it didn't happen. It needs to be filed by April 30, 2023 after it is posted for 10 days, worth doing early.
I told our new treasurer that the books on the computer were a mess and she heartily agreed. She wants to wipe the entries and start from scratch. I agreed, although I will copy all of it to a terrabyte drive ahead of this.
She printed out most of last fiscal year for me.
I know how much we have Spent, what we Probably have as income, still not sure.
She and I will be getting together every month to figure this out and I will be asking for quarterly reports. What we started with, what we have spent, what is left.
I still have to start seeds. Family is on their cruise to the Bahamas. I have cheated on the stalls and left ponies outside last night and will tonight.
TOMORROW is finally MY day!
I will spend 1/2 of it cleaning stalls, BUT I am walking and sleeping better.
Family demanded that I rest up this week and I am taking it seriously.
8 hours last night
Yesterday I shopped for extra groceries and I bought a really big corned beef and a smaller one. Tomorrow I intend to cut the smaller one in 1/2 and cook it up for me, freezing the other 1/2
They will be home Sunday night and we can celebrate St. Patricks Day then.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
We had a cold snap last weekend. After highs in the 40's and 50's we plummeted to 15 degrees F Saturday morning with wind chills of near zero! :eek:
Dunno whether it was exposure--my hay man swears nobody sprays the fields--but I have had allergic welts from handling the straight alfalfa hay in my barn starting 3 weeks ago.
Thanks to the Lord that benedryl works, but it knocks me out every time I take a pill.
Family got back from their cruise and 2 day journey home yesterday. By then all of the snow had melted.
This was Lynx's reaction to the weather report, she who won't go outside anymore.
Snow day 03-18-23.jpg
Cold Snap! 03-18-23.jpg
Lynx hiding, 03-17-23.jpg


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
No snow today. Another day of living on Benedryl.
I did finish my pitiful mileage for Notary Signing (Agent) jobs in 2022. I was down a good 8,000 miles from 2021.
Didn't clean the stalls. They aren't bad, but I will be going out to lay down some more straw and put them in their stalls bc tonight the t-storms might have hail.
My small garden bed has visible growth under the chicken wire. The 10 inch uncovered gap has become a litter box--no other explanation.
It just doesn't sound the same when my Horses say, "Look, Duckums!! I made some poo for your garden.",
and when the cats say this, you just think...EWWWWWWW!!!!! :sick