Up in the middle of the night. Beer with dinner does that to you , BUT, Pyg didn't have an accident 'cause she got to go out, so it's all good.
Took a knock off benedryl, no full flung welts early this morning, got coffee started with the 5:45 AM timer set.
Printed off the town's agenda.
Our stepping down Mayor is happy that he only OPENS the meeting Wednesday and then gets to go home.
I printed out the agenda, VERY SHORT since our atty cannot make this meeting.
FINALLY mowed yesterday and this was my front yard view of the sidewalk and my Magnolia Jane. Also,
DD's Magnolia Betty is blooming. Different flowers...
So.,.LR tv is still in the shop. What to watch?!?!?!?
Bedroom tv? It's a lot like watching tv in a hotel room.
How about the fish?
The fish have a new game. PLAY DEAD!!!
First picture is a LIVE fish, playing dead. Rap the side of the tank and you get the 2nd picture.
They DO THIS late afternoon and evening, then sink to the bottom of the tank when all of the lights go out.
Peppers are finally sprouting. Cabbages are up, but leggy. Tomatoes are almost ready for a transplant.
I will practice on 6 of them, gifts to DD who will be here Saturday. Wish me luck on the transplants. I DO have extras.
Last summer I was pulling bindweed in one of my small beds and I got stunk by a bumblebee,
Knowing that we were expecting a low of 33 degrees F, I staged my heated hose end on this bed.
Today I got up at 5:30 and ran 90 minutes of water where I suspect their hive still is.
It is supposed be 80 tomorrow, and I will check to see if they stayed or "went swimming."
I know the water will cost me, but it will be much cheaper than a visit to the ER.
Here are the tomatoes today. Also, when I planted asparagus 2 years ago at DD's house there were 5 leftovers, so they went into one of my beds. I missed out on 5 of these, but did I find 2 small and edible. 3/4 inch at the base of the stem and they just snapped off! DD said, bag 'em, freeze 'em.
NEXT YEAR we feast.