DUCKS for THEE in 2023


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
I was surprised to hear on "Growing a Greener World" that chemical fertilizers contain salt.
I am not bashing the large scale use of them bc I understand that chemical fertilizers sustain 2 billion people through agriculture.
Just thought I'd research the subject.
Solutions to our problems are laughable, like the comment here AND same solution on a garden program, using salt to kill slugs.
There are two ways to kill slugs:
1) surround with copper which produces a small electric shock
2) bury an open cheap can of beer
I have done #2 with great success, when I had a 1/4 acre shaded lot.
#1 would work well until you neighbor sees the current price of copper and steals it. :lol:
I like this guys idea



Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Fortunately I don't really Have a slug problem, maybe bc my lawn slopes away from the house and has few wet areas.
Still, GOOD to know!
Been weaning myself off of benedryl every 12 hours.
Yesterday it was like I was on sedatives ALL DAY!!! :hit
Today I skipped a pill.
The other night I discovered that the cover for my LR chair had scent on it. I went to bed and had welts on the backs of both legs. I found some benedryl cream and it stopped the itching so I could sleep.
I have gotten several Really good night's sleep. Even Eva didn't bother me until 6:30ish, and Pyg had no accidents last night.
The ONLY gardening I got done was to put out pots with multiple tomatoes that had gotten pretty big. I put them in my window wells, south side of the house and they all look great!
This buys me some time to set up the fencing around the cistern and then I can plant them.
Meanwhile, downstairs gro light/heat mat/2 fish tanks spots have opened up.
Got a city meeting tonight to prepare for and I am bringing in my car to get the oil changed, and probably 2 new tires. The back passenger tire holds air for about one day. DD's tried to change to the (full sized) spare, but the lug nuts are stripped. I am SURE that my garage can fix these things, and I called to give them a heads up.
They are VERY busy right now.
This weekend I start up potting my peppers and I will keep them downstairs until maybe mid June.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I hope your sensitivity to Downy Unstoppable is only to this one product and that it doesn’t kick off sensitivity to everything. I lead a very pure life, devoid of any type of scented product. It took years to reduce my reactions to a tolerable level. Even filling up the car or truck, diesel and gasoline fumes sent me into a tailspin. By eliminating ALL soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent, cleaning products and using only a few that didn’t set me off, was I able to get by. Now I have a greater tolerance and can at least fill up car and truck, but I get back a few feet while filling up.

Downy has sent you a warning. It might do you well to get other scented products out of your life.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Not many posts. Looks like we are all actually gardening!
I have had several benedryl days so my list of outside jobs has been curbed.
BUT, I am learning to grow from seed in 2023 and this week has been up potting. Many pictures...I will have to resend the fish tank with the perfect fitting square pots of sweet peppers another day, bc it didn't arrive in my email.
Firstly, I have been moving tomatoes to the porch. One pot of 4 got a cold from the open screen window and they all died. The Next pot I put there have 4 thriving plants.
Here are the porching tomatoes:


  • Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23.jpg
    Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23.jpg
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  • Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23, #2.jpg
    Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23, #2.jpg
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  • Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23, #3.jpg
    Tomatoes on the porch, 05-23-23, #3.jpg
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I have had all of the peppers on top of the fridge for a couple of weeks now. I sowed them in a 72 cell seed starter that first housed impatiens. I bought the flat for $5 on clearance a few years back and the cells are deeper than the seed starting flats that you buy. I put a shallow plastic lid on the bottom, I have been pouring water in and watering From the bottom. Here is what they looked like right before I started up potting. When I had filled a fish tank in the basement with sweet peppers and another with Fooled You Jalepanoes, I moved the set up, complete with a tall plastic top---WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!--to the bottom shelf of my basement seed starting shelving unit.
I killed one pepper bc I pulled it up by the stem. Then, I used a long teaspoon to loosen from the cells. Transport was in a shallow plastic dish to the porch, where I have been using the dirt in the planter that my CATS WON'T STAY AWAY FROM!!!:rant to up pot both tomatoes and peppers.
I used my shallow green bucket to carry them in shifts to the basement.
Instead of labeling, I have up potted the Sweet peppers in square pots, and up potted the jalepanoes in round pots.


  • Peppers, the leftovers not drafted for the team, 05-23-23.jpg
    Peppers, the leftovers not drafted for the team, 05-23-23.jpg
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  • Sweet peppers, first 10 up potted and in fish tank, 05-23-23.jpg
    Sweet peppers, first 10 up potted and in fish tank, 05-23-23.jpg
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  • Pepper transport to fish tank, 05-23-23.jpg
    Pepper transport to fish tank, 05-23-23.jpg
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  • Sweet peppers,next 8 almost  up potted, 05-23-23.jpg
    Sweet peppers,next 8 almost up potted, 05-23-23.jpg
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  • Peppers right before up potting, 05-22-23.jpg
    Peppers right before up potting, 05-22-23.jpg
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Somehow, some WAY I discovered the measly Italian garlic that I had harvested last fall.
When I sowed the grape tomatoes, I also sowed the garlic.
EVERYTHING came up, including a lone pumpkin. Hope the garlic and pumpkin can wait until tomorrow for outside transplanting.
Graoe tomatoes, 2022 Italian garlic, lone pumpkin, 05-22-23.jpg


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I still had Italian garlic. I dumped them into a small and round starter pot, then decided to separate the cloves and see what could be started. Although they are Very small, some have presprouted. I had exactly 72 of them, SO...or "sow" I put more dirt in the seed starter where the beefsteak tomatoes had been, watered deeply from below, put back the plastic lid and it is sitting on the porch, where it gets full morning sun. It is Very humid inside.


  • Italian garlic, 05-23-23, #1.jpg
    Italian garlic, 05-23-23, #1.jpg
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  • Italian garlic, 05-23-23, #2.jpg
    Italian garlic, 05-23-23, #2.jpg
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