Duck's New Ragtag garden, Version 2020


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I will be harvesting potatoes when I get home next week. I have saved up Brussels Sprouts seeds to plant in the same bed. I have heard from many sources that Brussels Sprouts started in the Spring are bitter when harvested in the summer, but you cannot FIND the seeds locally after June.
I figure if I start them inside, then transplant, they should do okay. Certainly the 4 BS plants that are in the left side of the potato bed, which are now 2 years old, are pretty hardy. They have really taken a hit on their leaves by bugs, but the bugs have stayed away from my peppers.
Learn something new Every year.
In the meantime, here is my report from our CO vacation. We are renting a lovely cabin off of Clear Creek. This is the 3rd time here for us.
Being a frugal vacationer, I had again planned to make our meals. THIS year, you can't find much of the restaurant scene open, so it's worked out well. Our neighbors commented on the bacon we have made every morning. Even though we fished for trout at a stocked pond in 2019, we fished at Safeway this year. Here is our "wagon", a Mustang convertible, DH eating corn by the creek, and a picnic in Pike National Forest. Pike's Peak is a MESS!! They are building a new summit house, so the top looks like a city construction zone, and you had to park and be shuttled to the top. "The North Pole" is right at the entrance, so we stopped to spend some $.
I had forgotten to "root rescue" my hair before we left, and I didn't want to stain anything, so I bought a nice, blue towel at a Dollar store, which we have been using for a blanket for a sandwich lunches. (Arthur Dent would approve.) more...


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    We visited Santa Claus Land, 08-12-20203.jpg
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Santa Claus Land was where we took our eldest DD when she was 2yo. We went on a Tuesday, NOBODY else was there, so the help followed Her around from ride to ride. We videotaped the whole thing. She was mighty jelly of us this week.
We WERE going to go to Estes Park, but it's even worse! You have to make a reservation, sign up for and get approved for a permit, ALL to see wildlife and the mountains that DH knows so well he could be Your tour guide out here.
THIS is something you Won't see at Estes. We stopped to take some shots on Guanella Pass. CORRECTION: The Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep weren't bothered by us, at all.:
Goats, 08-12-2020.jpg
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Just got caught up, you are doing great with your garden and flower beds. Heat! AARRGGHHH!! Going to be 101 degrees F here today, I don’t even want to know heat index or humidity!

Really glad that you got some help with your horse. Sometimes they just need a tune up from someone else who won’t put up with their crap. He is a beautiful boy!

Prairie Rose

Deeply Rooted
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
Central Illinois, zone 5/6 line
Man I don't miss bucking bales into the barn....we actually found an older hay elevator in our loft, but the roof collapse on the barn destroyed it. That thing was worth its weight in gold. Usually one or two guys on the trailer loading, and about three of us in the barn, packing. My dad was always very very particular about how the hay was stacked. Had to be done a certain way, in certain points of the loft to balance the weight in addition to keeping the air flowing, etc. He could get more hay in a limited space than anyone could believe....the hardest part was breaking the first two bales out of his stack!

I totally understand about certain horses behaving in certain ways for certain people. I worked in a boarding stable for years, it was amazing what I could get away with with other people's horses just because I handled them differently.

I will definitely look into riding lessons, need to look around and see who I can find locally that has gaited ones. With my bad leg I need something a whole lot smoother than I used to ride as a kid!

Love the vacation pictures, hope you had a good time!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I used to use 2 trucks, DD would drive one, we got 35 bales on one, 40 bales on the other, then we'd drive back and I would take a day to unload and stack 75. Do the math and you know how many trips that took. DH told me no more, too old, so I found help. I pay my guys $20/hr, provide gatorade, cool water and towels to my hay man's help, too. He puts up 40-50K bales/year. Usually he plans to deliver My hay when his storage gets full. Got 1st cutting this year, but I saw seeds, which I Like, bc they end up in the pastures.
The bales are never >50 lbs, usually 65 lbs ($6/bale this year), and the straw is very clean. Amazing how I how found I use straw more and more each winter.
Have you seen what they charge around Halloween for those tiny, decorative bales? Mine were heavy and $5/bale


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Food fest, but nobody's gaining weight. No snacks, except for fruit, and low bread intake.
PRObably I would be losing more if I didn't enjoy wine and beer, but I am On Vacation!!!
We ate at Marion's of the Rockies 2x, and they offer Mimosa's and Bloody Mary's. I had the latter, VERY TASTY, and yes, Virginia, I consumed the celery.
Bought a loaf of sourdough bread, and ya know, it tasted slightly stale when we undid the wrapper. :sick Only solutions, toss it OR toast it. This morning DH had ordered fried potatoes, so I also made a cheese toastie.


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