There is no reason to waist the hens . Years ago... we had a similar thing happen ... a neighbor's bitch along with her 4 - 6 month old pups killed 42 of our Rhode Island Red hens on a frosty morning in Dec., then ran off. My wife and I cut off all of the hens' heads, plucked the feathers, gutted them, then froze them all on that day. We ate well for months !
Nah. If a dog had killed them, I could find out if it was rabid. I never Saw this weasel, but my dogs did. I have been SO fixated on Eva not wandering that I called her back. I should have paid attention this morning when both dogs, about 5 am, wanted to be by the coop.
Thanks for all of the well wishes!!!
I think I will disconnect the heated dog water bowl, close up the run, clean the coop out in the next week and close it up so it isn't a home for vermin. I rolled the dice and didn't put hardware cloth on the exterior fencing, and everybody knows that a weasel can get through chain link fencing. I think I will ALSO bury 2 strands of barbed wire with it, since I have the leftovers from a roll that we used many years ago.
If I try to burn the bodies, its so wet that THAT won't happen, and my cats and dogs will be pulling them out of it. Guess I will take pictures and share them here, then double bag them and put them in the trash.
I am upset about this, but it's not ruining my day.
I will replace the flock next spring. I was having trouble finding replacements, anyway.
I'm sorry ducks, what a horrible thing to find the day before Thanksgiving Not to be morbid, but that's a few minutes less of chores you have to do this winter when the weather is horrible...