Deeply Rooted
Wha-wha-whaat?! Never owned ducks!
You must not know what you're missing out on! The rich, yolky goodness that is the duck egg is a must-have, once you taste one you will never look at a chicken egg the same way again! They are absolutely great for baking. And if you're one of those that butchers their own birds for meat, duck meat is sooo finger-licking good that it's that hard to describe in words. Well, I mean I could, but there wouldn't be enough room to type in all.
Domestic duck meat is also nothing like wild mallard, if your thoughts of duck meat were already spoiled trying that stuff. Not only are they tasty, both egg and meat, but they are great and eating garden pests!
Just don't keep too many in one area! They are messy but worth the trouble. Can you tell by now that I really like ducks?
You must not know what you're missing out on! The rich, yolky goodness that is the duck egg is a must-have, once you taste one you will never look at a chicken egg the same way again! They are absolutely great for baking. And if you're one of those that butchers their own birds for meat, duck meat is sooo finger-licking good that it's that hard to describe in words. Well, I mean I could, but there wouldn't be enough room to type in all.
Just don't keep too many in one area! They are messy but worth the trouble. Can you tell by now that I really like ducks?