Ducks4you for 2022


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Obviously you need a SQUIRREL STICK in your tank. It needs to be long enough to stick out the edge of the tank. Squirrels get thirsty, get in the tank, can’t get out and drown. Put a stick, 2x4, sapling or something they can crawl out on to get out.

I had a 8’ horse tank and always kept a squirrel stick in it. I found that it was also a help to birds, as they could light on the stick, get a drink and fly away.



Garden Addicted
Nov 24, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
MORE tomatoes. How did I miss these until yesterday?!?!?
The first is in a damaged roaster gifted by DD's, that I use now for gardening. Doesn't everybody?!?
The 2nd is the overflow.
I will probably take an accounting of my tomato quarts when all of these are processed, or rot and get recycled in the garden, as some do. I think that my oldest jars are now only from 2021.
Don't have time to go segregate tomatoes today.
I need to cut up and freeze sweet peppers, although I messaged DD about maybe stuffed peppers on Friday, since I have 4 that are mostly colored.
I will take a head count of the peppers and add the 12 missing ones (6 for party chili and other DD took 6 and made sausage and peppers with them.
I think it costs $1/pepper now, maybe more, so freezing for future cooking is a win-win.
View attachment 52768View attachment 52769
I love your beautiful pictures! Looks yummy!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Worked on family gift buying with DD's yesterday. I drove the truck back to their house to unload their purchases. A really nice clerk helped me by ziptying the cord that goes to my left tail light. I noticed on Monday that it was hanging down 8 inches from the pavement. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my mechanic's garage for repair, so all presents need to be out of it. After that, it gets parked in it's garage spot until December 17th, when we spend Christmas with DD's family and my SIL and her DH, and we go to their house bc it's midway for DD and us.
Starting Monday evening I can start packing bins of presents in the bed of the truck (which has a topper). Eldest and youngest DD's will add their stuff and no last minute packing where you forgot things. Since middle DD just bought a truck with a topper, they will do the same and there will be plenty of room.
Then, the truck will sit until either we need to rescue a car or Spring arrives and we need it for shopping.
Funny, the property came with a lone cement parking block, and I use this to tell me to stop the truck in the garage. I have discovered that a 2'x 6' six foot long piece of wood can do the same thing for your car. When you drive forward you will feel it and have to punch the accelerator to go Over it, hence it "blocks" you from driving into things in the garage. Yes, sometimes it moves, but that's easy to fix. I have one of these for DH's car and mine, which Was his car. Best used car I ever had! And I know the previous owner. :gig


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
we have some bumpers in the garage but if Mom is parking she may wander from side to side and miss them so now there is also some wood i put up to keep her from missing them. when you go in the garage you should be going slow and when you feel the bumpers you should stop and not go over them (because if you do that means you've gone into and perhaps through the wall).

the other thing is that the back part of the garage wall was damaged from an incident with some drugged up kids in a car trying to ram their car through the garage door (with Mom's car in the garage) so it pushed her car into the wall of the garage. at some point we were going to have someone repair the wall but that never happened so eventually i just stuck a piece of wood that we had across there and then after mice were getting behind it i spray foamed around the edges. it looks rather decorative now... so i guess it gets to stay (because i'm not taking it out of there!)...


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Ducks, it must be so wonderful to have horses. Where I live horses are very, very rare - you see the odd farm with a few horses when you drive to the outer little towns, but not many. I'm not sure why this is, though I imagine it must be related to the cost of horses and thier care. I was walking some trails a few years ago with family and there was a couple who were actually riding horses on the trail too (this has never happened to me, ever!) - which made us all feel like we were up close and personal to a couple of giraffes! Like, totally amazing! DD especially is spellbound by them. I have very little expereince being near them, but the few times I was able to pet one, or be up close was wonderful. I can only imagine how great it must be to have your own.