Garden Master
My brother and his wife live in Napa. Their bed did a shake, rattle, and roll at 3:30 am. They are fine but not to happy from with their sudden wake up call from their beauty sleep. Some of the damage was in their kitchen ... a 2 lb. jar of honey fell from the pantry and onto the floor, breaking the glass jar and the honey went all over the pantry covering everything from it as well as the cabinets and kitchen floor. Took 12 hours to clean up this mess as well as other items in the house. Didn't see structural damage to his house on a fast first inspection.
Then my brother went into the garage and HORORS !
His completely restored ( he did all of the work) antique Porche was smashed quite badly when his tool cabinet crashed into the side and a tall metal storage cabinet chuck full of all types of auto parts, paint, oil, greese, etc. fell on it's roof.
He still wasn't able to check on his other 8 Porches ( 3 of which he races ) stored in another garage that he owns in downtown Napa. He heard that his other buildings had only minor damage as well as one rental home. His limo ( used for his vinery tour business ) had no damage that he could see on a fast first inspection. His neighborhood and downtown Napa had quite a few water mains and gas lines break making getting into some areas of town difficult to access this soon.