Ethical Question


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
You are not alone on this, NyBoy.

What each of us does or doesn't, effects all of us.

A question of ethics is both personal and societal. What the society does, of course, effects all of us. Society's agent, government, is a lagging indicator.

I'm wondering what the Washington State farmers' markets are going to be like this year. Probably about the same as usual.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
There is a way to accomplish this with a lot less risk to you and yours. It’s also more immediate. Purchase some off the street. It’s available everywhere. A first time offender is very likely to get a slap on the wrist. If you are not growing it or selling it, confiscation of property is not a huge risk.

That raises ethical questions for me too, such as you are paying for the bullets the cartels use in Mexico, but ethics are very personal and family members are very important. You never know what you will do until you are faced with the decision yourself. Each case is unique.

I may be faced with this very dilemma myself somewhere down the road. My wife has Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her grandmother was bedridden with it and in great pain at a fairly young age so my wife is not as bad as she was. She’s fighting it with medication, diet, and exercise but she may not be able to stop its progression. Yeah, these things get very personal.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
For a few years, I had a packet of seeds in my dresser: "Dope Seeds." Cute picture - they were a joke and given to me by a friend. The packet contained what I'm fairly sure was lettuce seeds :). I finally tossed them . . . I think.

Anyway, RA -- it didn't help me. This was more than 25 years ago tho', Ridgerunner. Even by then, the flare-ups were subsiding. What I found helped me was to keep moving! Pot doesn't help with that - the opposite! I was going to wrack and ruin and an inebriant wasn't going to do more than grease the skids!

Okay, I can really understand that it could help with appetite. Every body is different. Maybe it can help with pain - not in my case. Denying the distraction or benefit to someone in serious discomfort, that isn't where my ethics are.

Floats your boat . . . I do not have much problem with adults making those decisions.



Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
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Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
About 10 years ago I had a severe back injury that kept me out of work for 2 months. It was bad enough for agony but not bad enough for surgery. It is amazing how disappointed I was when they said I didn't need surgery. Of course normally I would not have felt disappointment had I been in my right mind but pain will make you do most anything. I have always been anti recreational drug use. My son who was 20 or so at the time claims a news story came on about medical marijuana and ,I being loaded up with pain killers said, he claims, "Tom, Tom get me some of that marijuana to stop this God awful pain." I still don't know if he was just making it up.


Garden Addicted
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
MN. Zone 4/5
Since the legalization in Canada I would have hoped our country would have moved a bit further by now, for medical anyway. I have reservations about recreational use, but I don't think it really matters - it's already pretty easy to access even though it's illegal.
Complicated plant, drug ... and much politics in our politics.

Blurred Boundaries

Not going real smooth in Canada either ... Canada News

Never tried it and no, I would not grow it, legal or not.


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
I smoked pot about 4x around the time I was in high school. Each time I tried it, all I did was sober up & realized I wasted a few hours & had absolutely nothing to show for it. It wasn't fun, all it did was kill time so I never got the appeal of it.

Honestly if I was in the same situation I would be the gardener that cultivated it on THEIR property. Tend the plants for them but not transport it or have it on my property. Possession is 9/10s the law. Have it in a discreet place, maybe among some tomatoes on your friend's property or set up something simple in an unused portion of the basement.

That way you can help your friend but you keep your risk to a minimum.

I get it though Nyboy. As a healthcare provider I see this play out all too often. Once diagnosed I believe it's about quality of life instead of quantity of life.


Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Marijuana is fast become legal in the US. No one can disagree it has medial value. I have a friend that is HIV postive, he is on large amounts of mediation to stop from truning into AIDS. The mediation leaves him nauseus, Marijuana helps with his appetite (his use is legal). If a family member or good friend who was ill asked you to grow some would you? Would you grow it if legal in your state, what about if ilegal in your state?

If you have to question it, that is your instincts telling you it is a bad idea.

If you friend needs it, do they have a legit prescription? Then you do not need to grow it. If they need it that badly and growing is legal, they can do it themselves. He has HIV, he is not crippled. I think he can manage tending to some potted plants unless he is less active than an old lady in a nursing home.

What kind of friend would ask you to grow his drugs, legal or not?

As for my stance on the drug, I think it is a nuisance and even less attractive than cigarette smoking, if that were possible. Teenagers get ahold of it and act like idiots while on it and it makes them smell worse than skunks.

You think cigarette smoke is bad? Just wait until marijuana is legal everywhere. Then, will property owners be able to prevent folks from smoking if they have a medical need? Can you see the lawsuits coming from every direction? I can.

This is nothing but trouble and I want nothing to do with it, nor the people that use it.