Garden Addicted
Thanks for sharing. Congrats on number 3 whatever you name him.
Tinkle means wee here, as in peeing, you can't call that beautiful calf a wee wee.Tween? Twink? Tork? Turk? Tinkle?haha, a cow named Tinkle would be really funny.
I finally settled on Ryder.
A good friend says all bulls need to have 2 names. I told him this 'bull' calf's name is Areyakiddinme Ryder which is gaelic for 'what has that brat done NOW'.
I came home Friday to find him standing in the hay wagon. To get there, he had to crawl through the bars of the hay feeder, across the half eaten round bale, up a ramp into the wagon.
Areyakiddinme Ryder!!!