Garden Master
We had an absolutely beautiful day here, 70s, breezy with huge white clouds in an azure sky...what we always called a mountain day! It has been raining for days, so this day presented a work opportunity! The boys and I got so many projects done and it felt so good that I came right in and cleaned like a dervish! Its always good to wake up on Sunday morning to a clean house....makes one feel more like offering thanks to God! 
We started out in the morning hauling rocks for my pond/fountain feature and lumber for building projects. We built a huge gate (12 ft.) and now the yard is completely enclosed and secure. Finished planting the bedding plants, finished the tomato trellis (65 ft. long!), built trellis for the cucumbers and planted them, mulched the tomatoes and onions (I have nine raised beds 65 ft. x 4 ft.), mowed and trimmed the lawn and orchard, started the rock garden/fountain, cleaned out and organized the work/storage building, cleaned out and organized the tool shed. Then, I couldn't stop, so I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped the floors, did the laundry, had the boys move the porch swing, I swept and mopped the porch and washed down the furniture and railings, cleaned windows and cleaned the living room. The boys went to bed early and I feel like I could do it all over again! Trust me, this kind of high energy doesn't happen real often, so I am glorying in it a bit!
Also, its not often one can get the boys to work so steadily without them protesting just a little....they were wonderful!!!
Some days it just feels like a work day and other days it feels like a fishing day! Man, did we work!

We started out in the morning hauling rocks for my pond/fountain feature and lumber for building projects. We built a huge gate (12 ft.) and now the yard is completely enclosed and secure. Finished planting the bedding plants, finished the tomato trellis (65 ft. long!), built trellis for the cucumbers and planted them, mulched the tomatoes and onions (I have nine raised beds 65 ft. x 4 ft.), mowed and trimmed the lawn and orchard, started the rock garden/fountain, cleaned out and organized the work/storage building, cleaned out and organized the tool shed. Then, I couldn't stop, so I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped the floors, did the laundry, had the boys move the porch swing, I swept and mopped the porch and washed down the furniture and railings, cleaned windows and cleaned the living room. The boys went to bed early and I feel like I could do it all over again! Trust me, this kind of high energy doesn't happen real often, so I am glorying in it a bit!
Some days it just feels like a work day and other days it feels like a fishing day! Man, did we work!