Feeder Pigs


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
Devonviolet, Good job ! Here is a little tidbit for you that you may not be aware of. Baymule raised your hog on her property but only charged you for the cost of the piglet plus feed , (she being a good friend and good hearted person that she is afterall) ,not counting the cost of gathered acorns + other items, she didn't charge for her labor or rent on her land. Here is the kicker... Those freebees are taxable as ordinary income ! Baymule showed only the HARD COST of the piglets + purchased feed + processing costs to = $3.02/ lb. , if she adds the cost of her labor plus what her other costs are at you got for a score price of free, well that free amount is taxable as ordinry income to Devonviolet. NYboy got a great looking urn for free, well that urn's fair market value has to be counted as ordinary income when he uses it to adorn his business. When anyone buys tires for your pickup or car and get a sale price on buy 3 get one free, well that fair market value of the free tire is counted as ordinary income depending on how the bill of sale is written( if it shows just a total price of the 4 you are just fine, but if it shows one of the tires as free, then you are liable for the tax on the free tire) . Recently there has been a run by all of the local roofing companies knocking on the door to offer a quote to replace your roof. Well, the salesman makes his pitch and gives you a price of $12,000, then just for a one time discount of $2,000 if you buy today the price will be $10,000. The salesperson then writes up a contract that showes $12,000 with a DISCOUNT of $2,000 = $ 10,000. :celebrate and you are pleased as can be. But that $2,000 becomes ordinary income, however if that $2,000 discount isn't shown in the contract, then you are good to go. I know, I know NONE of us report these types of items on our tax returns, but if and when anyone is audited , these things just may be uncovered and you get a nice bill for additional tax due + penalties + interest. I'm only a messenger. :idunno Have fun ! :ya


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Bay I am surprised at $3.02 about same as store bought. I thought home raised would be higher since store bought deals in large numbers. Can you call your meat organic ?

I cannot call the pork organic, since I used commercial pelleted feed. But I also fed them acorns and pecans (in the shell) for a treat and a few pumpkins I had. So they at least got some goodies that pigs like.

Is there a big difference between butchering a deer vs hog ? Both 4 legged mammals. I really like the idea of cruelty free meat.

I have butchered feral hogs and deer. Not a lot of difference, you just have to go shoot them, hang, skin, gut, cut in quarters and drop in waiting ice chest.

On the cruelty part, my sister actually called me cruel because I was raising pigs to eat. I am so proud of myself for not blowing up like a volcano. Instead, I did a comparison on the life of my pigs versus the life of a confinement pig. I pointed out that my pigs got to run and play, dig in the dirt, bask in the sunshine and wallow in a mud hole. Then I described the life of a confinement pig, never saw sunshine, never saw dirt, much less got to play in any, never got to run because of being kept in a very small pen. They get their teeth clipped, their tails cut off to prevent other pigs from biting off tails from boredom. They spend their life on a slatted floor over a pool of their own wastes. Then I asked her, "Now tell me, which method sounds more cruel to YOU?" She changed the subject.

This does not mean that I am a animal rights protester, there has to be affordable meat for people to buy and consume. But what is wrong with somebody voting with their heart, conscience, and checkbook for meat raised in a more natural setting?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Devonviolet, Good job ! Here is a little tidbit for you that you may not be aware of. Baymule raised your hog on her property but only charged you for the cost of the piglet plus feed , (she being a good friend and good hearted person that she is afterall) ,not counting the cost of gathered acorns + other items, she didn't charge for her labor or rent on her land. Here is the kicker... Those freebees are taxable as ordinary income ! Baymule showed only the HARD COST of the piglets + purchased feed + processing costs to = $3.02/ lb. , if she adds the cost of her labor plus what her other costs are at you got for a score price of free, well that free amount is taxable as ordinry income to Devonviolet. NYboy got a great looking urn for free, well that urn's fair market value has to be counted as ordinary income when he uses it to adorn his business. When anyone buys tires for your pickup or car and get a sale price on buy 3 get one free, well that fair market value of the free tire is counted as ordinary income depending on how the bill of sale is written( if it shows just a total price of the 4 you are just fine, but if it shows one of the tires as free, then you are liable for the tax on the free tire) . Recently there has been a run by all of the local roofing companies knocking on the door to offer a quote to replace your roof. Well, the salesman makes his pitch and gives you a price of $12,000, then just for a one time discount of $2,000 if you buy today the price will be $10,000. The salesperson then writes up a contract that showes $12,000 with a DISCOUNT of $2,000 = $ 10,000. :celebrate and you are pleased as can be. But that $2,000 becomes ordinary income, however if that $2,000 discount isn't shown in the contract, then you are good to go. I know, I know NONE of us report these types of items on our tax returns, but if and when anyone is audited , these things just may be uncovered and you get a nice bill for additional tax due + penalties + interest. I'm only a messenger. :idunno Have fun ! :ya

Good grief. The ordinary person doesn't stand a chance. Rules on top of rules, laws on top of laws, to the point of getting so confusing that a person doesn't know up from down.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Good grief. The ordinary person doesn't stand a chance. Rules on top of rules, laws on top of laws, to the point of getting so confusing that a person doesn't know up from down.
YUP ! and you can thank the bleeding hearts for that. Afterall they know what is good for you, then they devise very creative and confusing ways for you to pay for it all.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Bobm, I'm sure you are correct according to IRS who would tax us for farting in garden, calling it nitrogen that is a gift. Same with rain and its benefits. & they wonder why they are hated!!!!

@baymule Proud of you holding your tongue with your sister. People have no clue about their food.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Consider this as championed by bleeding heart politikos and union activists... my son is in charge of a large labor force for a chip manufacturer. Currently , there is a union push for an increase for the minimum wage to $15.00/ hr. . The current minimum wage for workers is at $ 13.25/hr + benfits = effective wage of $ 17. 85/ hr. The company has global contracts in place for the next 4 years.which would equate to selling their product for a loss or go oversees to produce their product with resulting loss of workers' jobs. Most of the entry workers are all for the raise. The company says fine but the employees will be respossible for their own befits package. Some of the older more higher wage earners are saying wait a minute. $17.85 - $14.25 = $3.60 so if they are paid the $15.00 - $3.60 = $ 11.40 therefore $13.25 - $11.40 = in reality a $1.85/hr. pay cut. Also, the more higher wage earners will be taking a pay cut too since their current higher wage will be deminished through loss of benefits. WHAT ???? :caf


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Bobm, I'm sure you are correct according to IRS who would tax us for farting in garden, calling it nitrogen that is a gift. Same with rain and its benefits. & they wonder why they are hated!!!!

@baymule Proud of you holding your tongue with your sister. People have no clue about their food.
The Congress writes and votes the bill into law, then the President approves it with his signature. The IRS is only the inforceing body to collect the taxes according to the law. :rolleyes:


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Bay does your sister eat meat ?

Yes she does and she buys skinless boneless chicken breast to cook for her 8 little dogs. We haven't even begun to discuss how that chicken breast gets into those Styrofoam trays!

@baymule Proud of you holding your tongue with your sister. People have no clue about their food.

Thank you, my sister does not know where her food comes from, nor does she want to know.

I got the greatest compliment from our 8 year old grand daughter. She said, "I'm glad you're a farmer. You take such good care of your animals and you love them. They just have one bad day." Out of the mouths of babes.....


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
A farmer friend of mine hates what his church friends always tell him after spring planting. "Well, now you have rest of summer off." Then after harvest, "well now winter is free....." Spraying, side dressing, walking fields checking for insects, diseases, etc., going to training meetings, along with fixing equipment, working with hogs, volunteer work with different AG agencies, I guess doesn't count as work??????? Haven't even started with pre and post harvest work.

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