Garden Master
Great plan and that's a nice looking trailer. Did you paint it? Looks new!
Woo Hooo! Bring her on!Friday is go to slaughter day for the pigs. I can't say that I'll miss them. I am ready to reclaim my garden. Hopefully the pigs have improved the garden soil (if you ignore the DEEP and BIG holes they rooted)I hope the pine shaving mulch, 2 trailer loads of leaves/pine straw, bags of leaves and pig poop has helped out the sandy soil. Maybe I stand a chance of not only having a better garden this year, but having a garden at all.
Friends have told me that when it came time to load their pigs, they chased and wrestled the pigs into the trailer. Sometimes the pigs chased them back!The idea of a pig rodeo really didn't appeal to me--I could see myself as the loser in a contest with 3 big pigs. So being the brilliant person I am, I came up with a better way.
This morning our friend and neighbor Russell came over with Cooper, his 7 year old son. We hitched the trailer to his tractor, then I lured the pigs to the far corner with pecans. Russell got the tractor to the gate, Cooper opened the gate and Russell backed the trailer in. We unhitched the trailer, Russell drove the tractor out and Cooper shut the gate. Then we proceeded to fence the trailer off from the pigs. The pigs will chew wires, tires, lights or anything else they can get to. Cooper stayed safely outside and shook a paper feed sack at the pigs when they came too close.
Russell said that it might take a few days for the pigs to go in the trailer, but I didn't think so. Sure enough, one of them got in the trailer to snoop around. I moved their water and feed containers in the trailer, if they want to eat and drink, the trailer is the place to find it. The way I see it, why chase them, just let them load themselves. A day or two before Friday, I'll lure them in the trailer with something stinky and then just close the end gate.
@Devonviolet are you ready for some bacon??
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