Garden Addicted
It's been a long miserable summer. I've been sick longer then I'd like to admit. In fact last week I got bronchitis and a double ear infection to go with the the fact my body is still weak from the long July of illnesses that got me. I've never felt so old in all my life, and I'm still pretty young. I can't believe my body has taken the beating it has this year. Its just been a terrible year altogether.
My husband finally got a job this year after being unemployed for a year and he's been working a massive amount of hours physically hard for a salary of $500 a week. They don't pay overtime so after all the time and energy he puts in, he comes home broken and torn with nothing more to show for it. It also means he hasn't been able to help around here much, the little he has done consists of dishes and time with the daughter... and I don't blame him one bit.
So my garden has suffered, pickings were few and far inbetween. Most things got torn up, burnt out or over ripened before I could get them. I got less then 1/2 the canning done I've needed. The chickens however have eaten very well from everything that never made it in the house.
Today was the first time in a LONG time I've had any energy at all, or time, to spend in the garden. I mostly removed dead plants and weeds, but did manage to get some compost turned into a couple of beds at least. I hadn't spent much time on the compost pile so it wasn't heaped up very well and only the back left corner really had good usable composted material for me. So I'll be lacking what I need for the other beds I was going to plant garlic in. Now I'm wondering if I should even bother with the garlic this year, but I know I need it... garlic is a MUST for us. :mow
Well, for today I'm going to smile since I actually accomplished something! Just needed to share since I haven't been very involved here as of late.
My husband finally got a job this year after being unemployed for a year and he's been working a massive amount of hours physically hard for a salary of $500 a week. They don't pay overtime so after all the time and energy he puts in, he comes home broken and torn with nothing more to show for it. It also means he hasn't been able to help around here much, the little he has done consists of dishes and time with the daughter... and I don't blame him one bit.
So my garden has suffered, pickings were few and far inbetween. Most things got torn up, burnt out or over ripened before I could get them. I got less then 1/2 the canning done I've needed. The chickens however have eaten very well from everything that never made it in the house.
Today was the first time in a LONG time I've had any energy at all, or time, to spend in the garden. I mostly removed dead plants and weeds, but did manage to get some compost turned into a couple of beds at least. I hadn't spent much time on the compost pile so it wasn't heaped up very well and only the back left corner really had good usable composted material for me. So I'll be lacking what I need for the other beds I was going to plant garlic in. Now I'm wondering if I should even bother with the garlic this year, but I know I need it... garlic is a MUST for us. :mow
Well, for today I'm going to smile since I actually accomplished something! Just needed to share since I haven't been very involved here as of late.