Deeply Rooted
I agree, its past time for all of us that are able to get very self sufficient.. and try to help others do the same! My husband and I are past being very physicaly useful--tho I am doing better than in a long time. We are fortunate that our children have the same interest and life style, and being next door to our daughter and the worlds best son in law..we can inspire, teach and encourage them. Our grandchildren are learning also, little grandaughter told everyone that when she grew up she wanted to be a gardener.. now in second grade, she still loves it. Grandson.. a little fly by the seat of his pants, but he is interested. You have no idea how much my daily visits to this site help and inspire me. Our son and family out of state also try to garden and they are the chicken growers of the family. They also pick and preserve wild blackberries, etc. Our daughter in law is into natural methods etc, and natural eating...watches out for that junk food, been a little tough on our chocolate loving -Burger king loving son, but thinks to her, he will have a much longer healthier and happier life!