Garden Addicted
We are nearly back to summer weather; supposed to creep back into the upper 80's the next few days, but then rain and low 80's, upper 70's next week. The slant of the sun and the smells outside tell me it is September, whether the temperature does or not.
With all the chores outside that I have neglected due to the heat, (and my inherent laziness) that must be done now, we are having over night guests this weekend, and our house has become the repository for the remains of cleaning out two sets of parent's households. We barely have room to turn around. Ugh.
Probably another season going by without having a clean-out yard sale, too. When will I have time to sit outside on the front porch with my coffee and watch all the poor young people drive by on their way to work?
Oh my...we ended up like that too...only ours will be 3 houses of possessions for repository. Since Feb.

I would just get one sorted through, and we had another household to clean out. Then another death. Now we are working on the third one.