How dangerous is it to produce, with what the lye being involved and all?
Lye scares me.
My husband is fascinated by the prospect of producing biodiesel. We have a large wood burning furnace with oil not have to pay the oil company would be a wonderful thing.
ETA: This post is the kind of thing needed over at the new forum: It's BYC and The Easy Garden's little brother. It's just getting going!
I tested a little bit with a torch on a slip of paper soaked in it. It went up pretty good.
If you use Lye incorrectly and unsafely then it can be dangerous. You definitely don't want to be breathing the fumes, If you breathe enough you will go blind.
The only dangerous part of doing it is handling the Lye, once the Methoxide is mixed with the WVO you get the bio and glycerine which are perfectly safe to handle. I even saw some one lick the underside of there gas cap and they were fine.
I also signed up for Sufficient Self. I love that kind of stuff.
You should go over to the new sister site Sufficient Self .com and post about this. People would be very interested to hear about your endeavor.
I have never made soap before. I am wondering if I could take the straight Glycerine and use it in the shower to wash up without making it into soap. If i just keep a jar of it in the shower and pour some in my hand then use it. Will someone that makes soap will clarify this for me, Please.
The glycerin that the OP made looks fairly dark to me--pure glycerin is clear like water. There's probably all sorts of other stuff in that glycerin too, which may or may not settle out. You could try running it through several stacked coffee filters to see if that cleans it up any.
I wouldn't use plain glycerin in lieu of soap, no matter how dry my skin got. It's slimy, goopy, and takes forever to wash off. When adding glycerin to soap, you only add, like, half a teaspoon per bar or so of regular soap. It's an additive, not a base.