Fledgling Down!


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
we took down a very large maple yesterday and last night I thought I heard some peeping coming from it. Today I was walking by it to get to my coop and again heard the light peeps from it. So after inspecting it some I noticed a tiny nest with 3 little nestlings just getting their pin feathers to open and eyes opened as wide as their peeping mouths. No mom or dad around and the nest was still on the downed tree but at an angle and at first I only saw 2 babies, after cutting the branch the nest was attaced to did I see the 3rd chick.

After reading a couple wildlife rehab sites it said the parent birds should return when they hear the chicks but I had to strap the nest to a different shrub to be sure the neighborhood cats couldn't reach them. I'
m hoping the parents will find them, I would really like them to thrive. I figure they are goldfinches from their size and color. Probably about 7 days old from the feather/fuzz growth and eyes being opened. I just hope they won't imprint on me.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I figure they are goldfinches from their size and color. Probably about 7 days old from the feather/fuzz growth and eyes being opened. I just hope they won't imprint on me.

That may not be a problem at all. I've taken in baby birds and released them and though they hang around for a few days they seem to integrate fine with the other birds.

Will you be fostering them if the parents don't show up?


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
it seems the parents aren't coming back so i may have my dh feed them every hour when i go back to work Monday (he's out of work and has plenty of time to do this for me). i bought a nice feeder today for some nyjer seeds but it didn't seem to attract any parents for the babies. i just checked on them before closing the coop for the night.

the sites i found state using a mix of watered down dry cat food or even some chicken feed mixed with a little water would work. it just needs to have a high protein and fat content to get them through the growth stage.

yesterday i attached their nest to a sumac that was high enough to keep the cats away but still low enough i could check on them. they were screaming for me every time i would walk by to the coop. so i finally mixed up some food and found an eye dropper and started giving them some of the mix around 3pm. they seemed to eat it up till their crops looked full. here's hoping i didn't mix too much water into the feed. when i closed the coop i checked and gave a little more food. tomorrow i will move them up to the porch to make it easier for dh to look in on them to feed while keeping them outside. they seem to be keeping warm on their own so far.

i'll see about getting a pic tomorrow of the little cuties.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
well, a good update on the 3 little fuzz butts! dh noticed while we were getting ready to do more work on the tree today that there was a beautiful goldfinch flying in and out of the sumac where the nest was placed! so mom and dad have come back to take care of them! :weee:celebrate:woot

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
well, a good update on the 3 little fuzz butts! dh noticed while we were getting ready to do more work on the tree today that there was a beautiful goldfinch flying in and out of the sumac where the nest was placed! so mom and dad have come back to take care of them! :weee:celebrate:woot
Great news. The Goldfinch is our state bird. So pretty.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
not sure if they may have been looking after them and i may not have seen it happen or if the parents may have been still searching for them all that time. i'm just happy i don't have to worry over them anymore. i'll still worry about them till i see them flying since we have at least 2 neighborhood cats that like to roam my yard and i'm sure once they spot the parents flying back and forth they will be watching more intently. i know my 2 indoor cats will be entertained in the mean time.

the parents have taken great interest in my sunflowers in the garden though. i noticed a couple days ago one of the heads was being ransacked and missing some seeds. it probably should have been my sign they were around still. today i saw dad having a grand time plucking the seeds and flitting off to the nearby trees and then the nest. mister humming bird was enjoying the commotion and seemed to hover around the cucumbers that are being supported by tomato cages, occasionally taking a break by sitting on the top. seems he likes the flowers and the jewel weed growing nearby.

the babies occasionally talked to me today when i was moving the tree trimmings to the other side of the yard. every now and then mom and dad would swoop in with food and the deafening peeping would begin! i never noticed that yesterday when i was going some outside work. but dh and i did leave for a few hours and the parents might have found them at that time.

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