Garden Master
I am NOT against enlightenment, far from it. I have been enlightened in the school of hard knocks. Yup, I lived in barns and a 20 ft. trailer, hunted , fished, and gathered food from fields and forests. I also paid for every penny to complete my degree in college. Yup, I have been self employed for over 40 years, and built my own home and ranch from the ground up using my own brain and 2 hands on bare very poor open rangeland. Also, provided employment to quite a few people from professionals to laborers. I purchased over 100 tons of alfalfa hay and 30 tons of grain per year to feed my animals, then spread the fertilizer / compost offerings onto the fields and my gardens. What I oppose are the know it all, closed mined, extreme environmentalists ( that give marching orders to like minded drones ) that know what is good for all of us, then let us pay for it. By the way, I drive a 1988 3/4 ton Chevy pickup that was in excess of 250,000 working miles that I with yours truly at the wheel for every one of those miles. My wife drives a 7 year old 4 door sedan with over 125,000 that she drives to work. Why does someone use and consume modern products, communicate with a machine made with toxic things, drive a gas guseling , smog spouting automobile, have a rich Dentist fill what little teeth in one's mouth with amalgam mixtures of toxic metals, live in a house built and owned by evil corporations and work for evil corporation controlled by the cold blooded, rich @$^#$ etc. ? Why are you "NOT USED TO ENLIGHTENING' but expect another to be enlightened ? I guess someone missed smelling their morning coffee !