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Garden Master
I think sometimes, she does catch me staring at her wistfully... It's so hard for me to believe she has cancer; even at her age (11) she is otherwise so healthy. Sure she is slowing down a little, but ever since I got her off of a corn-based feed and onto a brown rice/lamb dog food (still not the best available, but at least eliminates the corn/wheat issue) she has been doing so well! Her arthritis almost entirely went away. She had one winter where she could barely get around, she was so stiff and limping, but this winter--no problems at all. She trimmed down to a healthy weight (pibbles are prone to overeating!) And her coat is so soft and shiny now. That's what makes it so hard to take in...she is otherwise feeling so good for her age.
The vet agreed to do the second surgery because of how healthy and assymptomatic she is and she handled the anesthesia fine both times. I am hoping she will agree to do one more. By removing these tumors, it lessens the chance of them metastasizing internally. The dermal version of this very aggressive cancer has a better outlook. If they get a tumor on their liver, spleen, heart or brain, they will die within 24 hours if it ruptures because of internal bleeding. They never mentioned chemo as an option. At her age, I am not sure I could put her through that anyway. I think you are right Cane, to not let on to her (or the kids) that something is wrong.
My other dog died 3 years ago from a brain tumor. It was very sudden too. I wonder now, how much their diet may have had to do with it.
I adopted them both when I was in my early 20's so I bought what I could afford at the time.
I've been spoiling her over the past year, ever since we found out. She is still a very obedient dog and hasn't sought to get away with too much, but she does enjoy sleeping on the couch now and looks forward to getting the baby's leftover dinner.
I am also SOOOOO glad my horrible renter neighbors finally moved away. Their two dogs running loose kept us from taking regular walks last year. (I always had to wait and watch for them to leave somewhere, knowing they would pen up the dogs when they were not at home). Now we can go for a walk almost every evening. I don't try to walk for my exercise anymore, since Boogie can't really keep up well after the first lap. We just go slow and I let her sniff everything!
Thanks for listening... This dog has been with me through thick and thin and so many changes in my life...she has always been my dear friend, a constant comfort to me. She used to sleep in the bed with me, curled up against me under the covers...until I got married and hubby had to draw the line somewhere, LOL. I credit her single-handedly for getting me out of a bad relationship with a guy I had dated for 5 years. He was prejudiced against her breed, so I chose the dog over him. Best choice I ever made!
He later got a German Shepherd, which I thought was hypocritical, since they carry the same sort of reputation. 
She's handling the new kittens great, btw. They are all fluff and attitude and she gives them their space.
Steve, it sounds like your dog just about ended up in Kansas! I'm glad it turned out well for her. Dogs and kids go hand in paw.
Baymule, that salve would be something to look into. I might be able to buy the bloodroot and mix up something similar...
The vet agreed to do the second surgery because of how healthy and assymptomatic she is and she handled the anesthesia fine both times. I am hoping she will agree to do one more. By removing these tumors, it lessens the chance of them metastasizing internally. The dermal version of this very aggressive cancer has a better outlook. If they get a tumor on their liver, spleen, heart or brain, they will die within 24 hours if it ruptures because of internal bleeding. They never mentioned chemo as an option. At her age, I am not sure I could put her through that anyway. I think you are right Cane, to not let on to her (or the kids) that something is wrong.
My other dog died 3 years ago from a brain tumor. It was very sudden too. I wonder now, how much their diet may have had to do with it.
I've been spoiling her over the past year, ever since we found out. She is still a very obedient dog and hasn't sought to get away with too much, but she does enjoy sleeping on the couch now and looks forward to getting the baby's leftover dinner.

I am also SOOOOO glad my horrible renter neighbors finally moved away. Their two dogs running loose kept us from taking regular walks last year. (I always had to wait and watch for them to leave somewhere, knowing they would pen up the dogs when they were not at home). Now we can go for a walk almost every evening. I don't try to walk for my exercise anymore, since Boogie can't really keep up well after the first lap. We just go slow and I let her sniff everything!
Thanks for listening... This dog has been with me through thick and thin and so many changes in my life...she has always been my dear friend, a constant comfort to me. She used to sleep in the bed with me, curled up against me under the covers...until I got married and hubby had to draw the line somewhere, LOL. I credit her single-handedly for getting me out of a bad relationship with a guy I had dated for 5 years. He was prejudiced against her breed, so I chose the dog over him. Best choice I ever made!

She's handling the new kittens great, btw. They are all fluff and attitude and she gives them their space.
Steve, it sounds like your dog just about ended up in Kansas! I'm glad it turned out well for her. Dogs and kids go hand in paw.
Baymule, that salve would be something to look into. I might be able to buy the bloodroot and mix up something similar...