Free Mulch & Wood Chips Program


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Russell has cows and has a small lot that he sets round bales of hay in for them. All winter the cows have come to the lot for their hay. They never eat it all, and step and poop in what's left. Russell would set them out another round bale, the cows would eat most of it, stomp, pee and poop on the rest. So he pushed up a big pile of it and offered it to us in exchange for the loads of wood chip mulch we gave him. We were delighted!
MUCH better for adding to the sand that the wood chips with cedar, imho. That reminds me of my horse's shelter! It's about time to strip it bc they have nosed out hay from their manger that they didn't care for all over it. I have discovered that if I pile that up it will grow some good pasture grass from the seeds that were in the hay.
I tried to get our local electric affiliate to both drop free mulch and cut limbs interfering with power lines. OURS are buried, but our neighbors would be dark if they broke the lines.
NO LUCK!! I even approached them one day when they were parked on our street, and they point blank told me they wouldn't cut any of the pine tree limbs.
They had mailed EVERYBODY a postcard that told you who to call for these wonderful freebies.
PFFT!!!! Lousy indian givers. We also, as lucky rural customers, get the cheapest leftover power lines and we have 3-5 brownouts/blackouts every year bc of it.
Glad that YOU got something!!!
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
The contractors told us that they clear the power line right of way every 5 years. They parked their trucks here on our property and one is parked here now. We wound up with somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 loads of wood chips. It is not all wood, there are lots of leaves too. I put some in the garden yesterday, it was mostly leaves and was pretty well composted.

The light company here is very responsive to their customers and the longest we've been out of power in 2 1/2 years has been a matter of hours.