Nice rotala! And those angels are really nice too. How long have you had it set up? Nice lay out its going to look great once it fills in.
I always wanted a 110g. They are a unique shape and I think that gives way to some really cool aquascaping ideas. CO2 injection? I saw the powerhead thats what made me ask. I had to scale way back when we moved. I had a super high tech 55g and was in the process of planning out a 180g when we had to move. Both are long gone, and sold everything that went with them.
I set up a 2.5 gallon not that long ago. Its a really simple set up. Its a traditional rectangular 2.5, with an LED light, HOB filter and a small heater. Because of its size I'm trying to keep the plant list simple and not be pruning every few days. Its a bit weird to use C. wendtii and C. lutea as your background plants but it helps give me something to tinker with and like I said keep the pruning to a minimum. Its got those, a number of C. parva along the foreground and a small piece of petite A. nana I just got from a friend. I dose with Flourish and Excel and its growing good. .
110g is an extra tall, massive pain to grow and plant in. I'll get a new picture tomorrow, but the plants don't get much larger, it's too tall.
I do add a dry fert mix I got from AngelsPlus, but rarely use it. Do add rabbit pellets in the smaller tanks. There's no power head, my fish would be sooo pissed if I used the Marineland Maxi Jet 1200 I have. There's a Fluval XF5 on the left and a Sunsun on the right. Shop lights over this tank. There's two BN plecos, Stripped eel, Black Ghost Knife and 3 Angels.
40b I'll also get a picture of. Has two different brand high tech lights, pair of Betta, breeding group of green Cory, Oto cat, breeding RCS, pair of breeding BN plecos.
I sell the plants. I'm plant-crazy; tank, house and outdoor kinds, lol. I would love to have a custom 3x2x10ft tank. Also hoping to get Discus fish, but I'm paranoid about them dying, they are too pricy to test out.
How tall is the 110? I always like the look but never had one I've only seen them in pics on the net so I don't know how practical it is. Ahh the black screen threw me there, I figured it was hooked up to a powerhead.
Nice breeding groups. I had RCS and a malfunctioning heater did them in. Id like to do them again sometime. I like the new cubes they've come out with. The 3x3 cube is pretty slick. All that depth! LFS set one up and I was drooling over it. I don't have anywhere that I could practically set one up but it was very unique looking.
Discus would be fun but I didn't want to keep up on the water changes to keep them. Just dont have that kind of time right now. Buddy of mine has them breeding for him on a pretty regular basis. He got them locally from a breeder and he said thats made all the difference since it wasn't a major change for them since there was a strain that was doing fine in our water conditions. He had them from other places and they didn't do nearly as well.
Right front is a Marineland heater.
Tank and stand is taller than me and I'm 5'6. 30 inches for the tank, I feel like I'm swimming when trying to reach decor in there or plant anything. I kind of just used a stick to hold plants in place and then dumped sand on top to get them to stay put...
Yep, I'm hoping to find ones that aren't crazy high maintenance, too. I like fish that adapt, not ones that need constant babying and hand holding. Water changing isn't too bad on the 110, the pipe center right is what I use to drain out the front door and then I just stick it into my kitchen faucet to refill.
40 is overgrown with hornwort, I just sold a bunch and have more to sell.
I want to plant the Rotala along the back, but I can't reach the sand. The Vals failed in this tank...
Have you tried crypt spiralis I found it a lot tougher than Vals however the leaves are thinner. It might melt some like crypts tend to but when I kept it I had no issues in fact I had to thin it multiple times because it got so thick.
Here is an update!
How should I move them into potted containers? Or should I leave them in longer for even bigger roots?
Looks like most of the roots are at the top of the water where there's more light. Should I trim the rest of the stem that has little to no roots and if so, how much of a nub under the roots should I leave?
Oh, those white bumps you see in this pic and the last is were roots will/have grown.