Garden Master
Still hanging in @Nyboy , passed the two to three months they gave me and now the year with treatment. My GP said you sure like making liars out of us .
I have some days when things aren't great I just sit in front of the TV or sit at the computer bugging you guys, but hey last month I washed the kitchen ceiling, still making meals and swabbing the decks. I'm pretty good in the house, it's when I'm outside I'm a little wobbly on my feet.
As long as I'm waking up on this side of the grass I'll keep on trucking. I go for another MRI next month so I'll know more then after my oncologist phones, he's down island from me in Victoria.
My New Yorker's are looking good but probably won't have ripe tomatoes until August.
please bug us all you want! glad you are ok, sorry for the bad days, but some of us have them without the bigger troubles you face so we get it when you need a break or time off for bad behavior (aka nap, or staring at the tube)...