Oh wow... pretty! I can't believe no one commented on this.
Did you get all that stuff collected at a thift shop? How did you go about it?! I would LOVE to make one for sure. You chose a good collection of items, and the colors are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I bet they look beautiful in your lovely garden. Are you going to put some near your pond -- to make the most of all the wonderful reflections
A few years ago I made some glass abstract sculptures to which I added pieces of mirror -- they grew out of some of my designs for stage sets (before I retired that was my profession along with co-owning a restaurant). I really enjoyed them but found the storage of the larger pieces in the winter a bit of a chore...! I made one using lots of clear glass bubbles (some old Christmas tree decorations I had) & another had a faceted mirror ball which threw out shafts of light across the garden. You have to be careful as my neighbours at the time found it really annoying & distracting....................!!!!