doesnt slow down our three outside cats but know one day
we could loose them to many things when we raised them
in the Shasta knowing we could loose them
In Central "Big Valley " of California where my ranch is... all cats that have been " rescued" or reside in the country are known as coyote snacks. The average life span of a cat in this part of the country is 3 months.
Having the gsd fear-ah and now she is raising the great pyrenees pup snow they protect the cats
as part of their flock as long as they stay in the yard or run awful damn fast back into it
One neighbor's cat climbs the wood fence in her backyard, climbs onto another neighbor's garage, walks along his fence and climbs down into my backyard.
She looks at me all innocent and sweet. It's a "you can't yell at me because I'm clever and calico."
I don't because I'm hoping she stays innocent and sweet in our relationship.