Garden humor thread..


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
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Vermont, USA (zone 4)
Your cartoon with elves/gnomes made me think of "Lampy." Apologies if this early (maybe earliest) of garden gnomes has already made an appearance on this site, but here is "Lampy."

More info at:
Meanwhile my own collection of gnomes and other garden critters are spending the winter in my cellar.


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
I have actually done this very thing. LOL

View attachment 63107
Oh, the guy with the big smile is so me!!! I've always been a compulsive storm chaser; when the sirens go off, I run outside to get a better look. Yeah, I know, crazy (I seek shelter if I'm with family). DW & I once followed a strong thunderstorm across two counties, just to watch the spectacular ground strikes.

In the 70's, I was temporarily living in Tennessee while going through avionics school. The sirens went off at night, I walked out the door - and my ears popped. I was looking up into the funnel directly overhead, visible by the lightning flashing within. :ep It touched down about 1/2 a mile away. If you are afraid of tornadoes, you do NOT want to be around me - that was one of two tornadoes I've seen which passed (or formed) directly overhead, and I've seen 7 tornadoes total. A small one that passed near my rural garden (which I didn't see) threw some of my PVC pepper cages up into nearby trees. I thought it was vandals until the property owner told me what happened (it was really fun getting a couple of them back down).

I was babysitting my Granddaughter when she was very young. She was terribly afraid of "summersorms" when she was little, so I was trying to teach her what thunderstorms really were, and not to be afraid of them. So we were outside watching one approach, and I was teaching her to count after the lightning (to tell how close it was) and saying reassuring things like 'wow, that was a nice one!' after lightning strikes. The GD was starting to relax & enjoy the counting... so irony being what it is, of course the sky chose that moment to turn green, and the sirens went off. "OK, we're going back in now" (and to the basement). :( Fortunately the funnel came nowhere near us, I made a point of not alarming the GD, and she got over her fear of thunder.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
SEVERE WEATHER ALERT: Residents are being advised to prepare for accumulating snow. This snowstorm brings the threat of inconvenience for up to twelve hours. Residents should prepare by stocking up on essential staples to last as long as 1 day. It may be difficult to order a pizza due to demand and road conditions. Residents should prepare for at least two meals at home and to hear complaints from neighbors about local pizza delivery. This storm also presents the threat of cabin fever and dealing with family members getting under your skin. Older males may feel compelled to walk over to the window every half hour and mention the blizzard of ‘78. Residents should also consider rushing to the hardware store to purchase a new snow shovel, even though your old one is either just fine or buried under all the crap in your garage (despite the fact that most of you never shovel your driveways anyway!). Pets will not want to use the bathroom outdoors and those who are housebreaking puppies adopted for Christmas will regret that decision. Children will be excited to bundle up and play in the snow for about five minutes and their soggy wet clothes and shoes will remain to dry in the same place in the hallway until you trip over them. Those who live in subdivisions will have the opportunity to complain about the timeliness of plowing and argue about which streets should be cleaned first. Nobody else but you will know how to drive in this stuff. The inclement weather will provide an excuse to cancel plans you really wish you hadn’t committed to. Lazy and/or nervous coworkers will pace about and attempt to leave early on Friday. Please stay tuned for more weather reports.

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