that reminds me of the picture of a pile of sticks under a tree at the edge of a park. The sign tacked above the sticks says, "Dog Lending Library."
I have a cane that I made from a service berry branch. It is a little heavy so I don't usually take it off the property. Lately, I have been thinking about scaring up another one. This one could be about 24" inches longer and encourage me to stand up straighter. Too heavy? Yeah, might try an elderberry ...
Stevie Sticks
Edit: syringa, it's a syringa branch!
in all of my years of growing houseplants i can't think of many times when i actually saw any of them die. ok, the ones i dropped the pots or otherwise trampled by mistake or some other boneheaded thing, but pretty much, i know, THAT I DIDN'T DO IT!