Deeply Rooted

I was thinking something more along the lines of a T-shirt cannon, fired into the street... like a flying pinata.
I don’t know if we’ll get a lot of kids if any but I’ll leave candy out in a basket with a note and a light I’ll figure something out, it’ll be there Incase a kiddo comes by ~ We used to get tons of kiddos then less and less every yearI was thinking something more along the lines of a T-shirt cannon, fired into the street... like a flying pinata.
No trick-or-treating here this year, due to Covid.My street is lightly populated due to many double & triple lots (one of the things I like about it) so was not exactly prime trick-or-treating territory anyway. But DW was always very generous to the few who showed up, and several families came by every year. I'll miss the little monsters.