Hattie the Hen
Deeply Rooted

What looks very nice is a real old-fashioned English Cottage Garden & not the modern version of it which is all flowers & shrubs. The old cottagers had large families to feed so they grew their peas & beans & cucumbers up decorative teepees or rural arches. These often ran up either side of the path to the front door so it looked rather neat & impressive. Then they had all their cooking & medicinal herbs at the base & their tomatoes beyond that trained up neat stakes with cross bars. Between these they would tuck in lots of roses for their lovely perfume. You could also tuck in all those flowers with edible petals. Oh don't forget fruit trees, preferably ones trained into interesting shapes (on the smaller rootstock. I don't think anyone could complain about a front garden like that...........do you?

:rose Hattie :rose