Larisa, thanks for the view into your garden, just lovely!
Pusatilla is a favorite of mine, another common name for it is Old Mans Whiskers which reminds me of dh, (don't tell him I said so ).
And I love Trollius too, one of mine got swallowed by a peony for a few years and I thought it had died out, but rediscovered it one day when I was crawling around in that bed and rescued it.
I have so many of the same perennials in my garden as you do, it's fun to see that!
Thank you for sharing your garden with us. Like thistle said it is funny how many of the same plants we share. I love hearing about other cultures folklore, very interesting about Pulsatilla and dreams. Any other Russian folklore? Here we say "a apple a day keeps the Doctor away".
Thank you all for your kind words!
The garden is located in Russia, 86 miles from Moscow to the south. If the road without cars, we're going for 2 hours, if a lot of car - 4 ...
I'll tell you a little more about the mystical plants that grow with us. Our folklore.
It grows around the house like a weed. A lot of thorns.
"frightening devils." Flowers should be dry and keep the house. "A frightening devils' drive away evil spirits and all evil. It looks like a pumpkin on Halloween.
Lýthrum salicária
Weeping -grass. Cross from the root and protects against evil. If children do not sleep - put over his head. Weeping-grass helps to look for treasure and protect against evil spirits in the marshes.
I did not plant, growing in my garden itself.
Núphar lútea
It grows in the river not far from the house.
For the family, for love, for protection.