Wow That is art !!! Very talented friend, her her Americans are very impressed with her art work !! My nephew broke a whole box of my grandmothers china, i have been saving it telling myself one day i will use it for mosaics.
Nyboy is a loving uncle and forgiving person. An accident is an accident. There was no intent to do harm to the china even if there also was no undue attention to being careful by the youngster either.
China is just things. Nyboy has his heart in the right place so there's no need to mosaic his nephew.
And yes, he was upset at the time, but what can you do? Murder would not have been justified by most people even if we older generation folks would understand perfectly.
I do like the idea of using the broken treasures in a mosaic, though.
Nyboy still has many things from his Grandmother and he still has his grandmother in his heart and in his memory. Nyboy is appreciative of things passed down.
I cant get mad over accident. Hopefully one day I will have the time to do a project with the pieces. I can't count the number of things belonging to my parents I broke.