Yep, I want to take the video tour, too!!! I just got my new computer in the mail- just as soon as I figure it out- your video will be my first! My old one doesn't understand the "motion picture"!
What fun!! I really enjoyed the video! I don't think those are straw flowers. I started mine from seed, and they looked more "grass" like...Everything looks super healthy and beautiful! That watering system is perfect! And what is not to love about that rooster!! Enjoy your beautiful garden!
Yeah, I don't think they're strawflowers either .... But gosh, I didn't think I planted the zinnia that thick? Who knows... I think I've lost my mind, anyway...
I was finally able to do the garden tour 'Daisy! Your garden looks great, and your redneck watering system is perfect. Loved the little banty roosters crow, I had a little guy that I just rehomed that could have been his voice double.
Yay!! But, I will say, the garden LOOKED great, but not so great out there right now.
Just toooo hot, and I can't keep up w/ the temps and BUGS! I've never seen bugs like we've had this year!! Unreal.