PEDICEL - flower stem RECEPTACLE - base of flower where other parts attach SEPALS - small and green, collectively called the CALYX PETALS - often large and showy, collectively called the COROLLA PERIANTH - CALYX + COROLLA STAMEN - composed of filament and anther
ANDROECIUM - collective term for stamens CARPEL - structure enclosing ovules
PLACENTA - place of attachment of ovule(s) within ovary STIGMA - receptive surface for pollen STYLE - structure connecting ovary and stigma OVARY - basal postion of pistil where ovules are located
The ovary develops into the fruit and contains ovules (eggs) which develop into seeds after fertilization.
LOCULE/CELL - chamber containg ovules PISTIL - Collective term for carpel(s) THE TERMS CARPEL AND PISTIL ARE EQUIVALENT WHEN THERE IS NO FUSION, IF FUSION OCCURS THEN YOU HAVE 2 OR MORE CARPELS UNITED INTO ONE PISTIL. GYNOECIUM - collective term for pistils, a gynoecium can be composed of:
1. A single carpel = simple pistil
2. Two or more fused carpels = compound pistil
3. Two or more unfused carpels = two or more simple pistils
To determine the number of carpels in a compound pistil, count the locules, points of placentation, styles, stigma lobes, and ovary lobes. COMPLETE FLOWER - A flower having all four whorls PERFECT FLOWER - A flower having both sexes UNISEXUAL FLOWER - A flower having one sex MONOECIOUS PLANTS - A plant with unisexual flowers with both sexes on the same plant DIOECIOUS PLANTS - A plant with unisexual flowers with one sex on each plant, in effect, male and female plants
Holy Moley, allabout!!! VERY impressive! Here's another definition:
crop failure--when I try to grow something that takes too much care, needs too much watering, begs for too much "babysitting" and probably shouldn't be grown in my zone, ANYWAY!
Actually I need to temp remove that until we decide:
1) Which system for articles we're going to use
2) If / how we're going to convert the old articles over (which are still live, just not linked to from here).