Garden Master
Mid-October has proven to be the best time for me to plant garlic, when the weather allows me to do so. Today was sunny (or started that way) with very little wind, the soil was fairly dry, and rain expected tomorrow... so it was "go" time.
The raised bed was already built & full of soil. I added a little manure, and made a quick pass with a small tiller to turn it under. After raking the bed smooth, I marked the holes, dropped in the cloves, and DW followed to push them to the right depth & cover them. Then we covered the bed with timothy hay saved for that purpose. All together, we planted 150 cloves, with metal markers between varieties. The garlic varieties are:
@digitS' , I seem to remember you wondering if snow might come early this year... so this is all YOUR FAULT! 
The raised bed was already built & full of soil. I added a little manure, and made a quick pass with a small tiller to turn it under. After raking the bed smooth, I marked the holes, dropped in the cloves, and DW followed to push them to the right depth & cover them. Then we covered the bed with timothy hay saved for that purpose. All together, we planted 150 cloves, with metal markers between varieties. The garlic varieties are:
- Carpati
- Dubna Standard
- Estonian Red
- German White
- Krasnodar Red
- Ron's Single Center
- Special Idaho
- Vic's
- An unknown hardneck survivor from my previous collection, which appeared as a volunteer in a flower bed