Garden Master
Love the collie pictures!
What stunning dogs. You're so luckyWe also had collies, a sequence of 4 over the years, and I added a sheltie at one point (Mabel's predecessor). I got that a lot, people asking if little Tippi was a puppy or a grown-up mini version of her collie cohort. Looking over old videos I was reminded how many tricks Tippi knew; she had a whole routine.
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I've really failed Mabel by comparison. I took her to puppy classes long ago and then to an "introduction to agility" class. Timid by nature, I feared Mabel might fear the agility equipment, but she *loved* it! Scurried up and down the roof thingie, conquered the teeter-totter, and made friends with every apparatus. (I didn't allow her to learn about jumping over a bar, given that my fence at home is not that high in places, and at her young age, she could have sailed over it easily if she knew she possessed the ability!) You mention dogs learning from watching other dogs, and Mabel certainly was fascinated by her classmates, and couldn't wait to have a go at it herself. Unfortunately I wasn't about to go to agility matches with my arthritic joints, so there was nowhere to go from there. Her life now could use some enrichment, especially since the loss of her chihuahua housemate.
These pictures are my kind of heaven
What's not to like about @flowerbugand that also made me smile this morning...
Snoopy was always one of my heroes and i had a stuffed Snoopy dog animal as a kid which rarely left my side, along with a binkie that i also kept close watch on. this was a time before i knew anything about Peanuts or Snoopy or Linus and the binkies... we were kindred spirits Linus and i and didn't know it until many years later. Mom would take my binkie and use it for her ironing and i would sit under the ironing board and hold onto the corner of my binkie and feel it. i still have my stuffed animal companions i also have some here but i don't hold on to them any more... at least not very often...