Good Morning from Arkansas!


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Brilliant! Get 200 hens and turn them in the garden! They will scratch up grass and weeds, poop all over the place and maybe, just maybe, get the Bermuda down enough to smother it out as described above. :ya
You're kidding me, right? If not then :barnie
The couple I have cause enough havoc as it is...
I sure will miss their antics they can sure be entertaining. I've had some lovely breakfasts from my girls.
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hey y'all thanks so much for the replies! [Haven't figured out just where to type in my location to show up on the avatar but I'll figure it out.] -- [and by the way this laptop is extremely touchy and finicky so if some of my words are wonky it may be because of that] I live in the Ouachita mountains of western Arkansas zone 7B.
Thankfully the man who always did our mowing and landscaping in town was able to take on the job of moving all my garden stuff out to the new place. He's made trip after trip hauling my tubs and fencing that I had there. My next step is to get the weed barrier cloth ordered and the mulch to cover it so that I can at least get all the tubs and gro bags in order. I've also been packing up my house to move and whew! that's a chore. I'd much rather be outside.
I had a feeling that tilling would just create more problems. I need to go around town and find cardboard to put down also. My In-laws back in the day had humongous gardens and a Cub tractor to work the ground. They produced bountiful crops and my mother-in-law was an expert at preserving it all. My hubby however was thoroughly burned out of gardening since he had grown up having to work their garden and since my folks never raised a garden I was a complete newbie to it all. In recent years though gardening has really become a big part of my life.
Yes the chickens are a great idea and I'm planning to set up a chicken yard and coop as soon as possible. My daughter has several pot belly pigs at her place, maybe I can have them come over and visit.....
I would love to see those little porkers. 😍


Garden Addicted
Nov 24, 2020
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Pacific Northwest
Recently retired I am moving from a suburban "Homestead" where I have been gardening using raised beds, gro bags and sip tubs plus a 8x16 Yoder-Built Greenhouse. I am in the process of moving to a rural place that has a large fenced garden spot that I am super excited about. Planning to move my greenhouse and the tubs and gro bags to this new location. The garden spot has not been in production in years and is covered with bermuda grass which will be challenging for in-ground gardening so I am researching all the best ways to get started with the process of eradicating the grass. I figure on dividing the plot into quadrants and covering an area to place my existing bags and tubs. So happy to find this site as well as the Back Yard Chickens group for I will now be able to have chickens and ducks! So here goes!!!!
Welcome to the forum from the Pacific Northwest!


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
If you are game you could ask for cardboard from WM and other grocery stores when you see the clerks breaking them down. I have done this several times.
IMHO, free cardboard is worth it's weight in gold.

there are other places that get larger boxes which can make it much easier on yourself. appliance, furniture and auto body repair places can get some very nice chunks in. if you have a truck to haul things with.

the other big box (pi) stores like Sams, Costco, etc that get things brought in on pallets sometimes will have what are like layers of large sheets of cardboard or heavier craft like paper which is also very nice. :)

part of our shopping trips we spend a bit of time getting nice boxes/flats that we can use and anything else like large sheets if we have room in the car.

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