Garden Master
I have seen hives painted in every color of the rainbow- and even with flowers painted on them. Mine happen to be white. Staining yours would be fine... Good luck!
That is a work of art.Southern Gardener said:and set it up last night - I just need bees. I want to attend the bee meeting next Tuesday before I order bees (hoping I'm not to late) to gain more knowledge and get it right. The more I learn, the more questions I have.Maybe I'm overthinking this - I'm sure the bees will know what to do. I'd like to stain the hive a warm color - any suggestions on what I can use?
Call your local state extension service.kevs-chickadees said:I wish! I'd like to get into the bee thing and my trees could sure use it, but I can't find any local classes or anything. I know they exist here just can't hook up with one.Well good luck and have fun!