Garden Master
We have teachers on TEG. I wonder if the US had no public schools, no "barefoot school kid" laws, if I would have ever have been in a school building. But, it does and I was ... along with many others. So! We have all been students.
What did a check mark on your test mean?
I've noticed it more and more. Check marks have become a positive. We have had "checking things off" fer an awful long time ... It meant "it's counted" or "I got it dun." I think that in my classrooms back in the Pleistocene, it might have meant "I see where you've got it wrong!"
Looked on Wikipedia and it says a check mark is an affirmative in English speaking countries but a negative in Scandinavia. Were all my teachers Scandinavian??
What did a check mark on your test mean?
I've noticed it more and more. Check marks have become a positive. We have had "checking things off" fer an awful long time ... It meant "it's counted" or "I got it dun." I think that in my classrooms back in the Pleistocene, it might have meant "I see where you've got it wrong!"
Looked on Wikipedia and it says a check mark is an affirmative in English speaking countries but a negative in Scandinavia. Were all my teachers Scandinavian??