A little clarification is is order here, while fried squirrel is the ultimate goal and heads up my list of all time favorite dinners, i was referring to the fresh dead, in your game bag smell of the little fury critter’s them selves!
Im sure im as strange as anyone you’ll ever know but there are some smells that i can relate to, remember, or quite possibly just imagine long after exposure to them.
Squirrels is one of them another is the engine room of a sternwheeler
(the Delta Queen) or a cup full of West Texas Crude, those sourdough buckwheat pancakes my Granny use to make etc.
then there’s that list you wish you didn’t remember such as the Dead shunk’s in the middle of the road etc.
It’s appropriate to be going over all these favorite smell’s this morning as i’m headed to Men’s Prayer Breakfast in a short bit. Maybe someone will have rounded up a mess of Squirrel since last week. If not that’s fine too, gathering together with the Saints has a sweet aroma of it’s own also!
Im sure im as strange as anyone you’ll ever know but there are some smells that i can relate to, remember, or quite possibly just imagine long after exposure to them.
Squirrels is one of them another is the engine room of a sternwheeler
(the Delta Queen) or a cup full of West Texas Crude, those sourdough buckwheat pancakes my Granny use to make etc.
then there’s that list you wish you didn’t remember such as the Dead shunk’s in the middle of the road etc.

It’s appropriate to be going over all these favorite smell’s this morning as i’m headed to Men’s Prayer Breakfast in a short bit. Maybe someone will have rounded up a mess of Squirrel since last week. If not that’s fine too, gathering together with the Saints has a sweet aroma of it’s own also!