Greenhouses, South Windows & Other Locations


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
The onion seed has sprouted nicely in the greenhouse with our several days of sunshine. Boom!

Encouraged, pak choi and cabbage seeds are now in a flat of soil. Additionally, some very special lettuce seed will have a chance to make their start. This is a bit early but will allow for transferring in a couple of weeks to garden beds covered by the temporary hoop house. Additional seed may be started by that time for more outdoor locations. I am likely to be bringing the flats of everything except the onions in on a number of nights but they should be okay during the daytime out there.

Some of the sweet peppers are up and growing and, just as the sun has disappeared behind the clouds the last few days, I have the container out in the South Window during daylight hours. That's a very cool room without the sun so I've waited until somewhat late and kept the cover on to help hold whatever warmth above air temperature might happen. Of course, I have to pay attention to any sunbreaks since it may become too hot with that lid on. It's okay, errands are usually accomplished quickly and aren't too far away. Back in the kitchen in the evening, they are able to maintain "room temperature" while the rest of the house drops into the low 60's. I gotta say, it isn't quite optimum for peppers and that has been proven over many years but it still works.

Other plantings in the soil mix haven't left the kitchen –– and include tomatoes, eggplants and celeriac. Nothing is showing with those but the seed has only had about 4 days to make their start.

How are your plant starts and startings coming along?



Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Congratulations for getting your seeds started! :hugs
I Just got salad onions and radishes direct sown in my "salad garden" yesterday.
The only growing I have so far are those "shouldn't even be growing" sweet potatoes, now transplanted in my big tree pot, and getting south facing sunlight through a basement window with a window well.
Growth is growth and I will celebrate it!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Cloudy and very windy.

The "sun" has been up for for 2 hours. Cool season only seedlings in the unheated greenhouse. Unusually warm outdoor morning temperature of 53⁰f right now (12⁰C⁰). So, what is the temperature in the greenhouse? 54⁰f. Yeah, still 12⁰C.

Onions, lettuce, kale, pak choi, etc. would like it a little warmer but mostly, they'd like the sunshine that would bring the warmth.

Peppers, tomatoes, zinnias, marigolds etc. are thinking the same thing here in the South Window. Actually, it looks like they may have that sunshine after awhile. It might be a little difficult to vent the sunshed if the winds continue into the PM. That's when the outdoor temp is supposed to hit 56⁰ 🙄 .

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I do not have enough room inside really. I may have to put things in the floor at night and move outside during the day, at least things that can take the cooler weather. The onions are going to stay outside.

I am waiting for money to appear. lol I have spent a lot of money on the twins coming and I have taxes to pay. I am hoping I will get manure and compost delivered soon and I am going to do the best I can this year with helping DD. My goal is to buy those metal raised beds and get them in place and filled with soil and this fall have them ready for next spring. I used to be able to start in the spring when DH was here, but now it is too much. I think having boxes ready for spring will help a lot, especially if I can plant all the cool weather crops on time.

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