Halloween Isis Terror Attack NYC


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
It was the "Chuck Schumer Special Immigration Lottery" responsible for this and ole Chuck has blood on his hands. This truck driving terrorist and his 20 some family members were ALL ushered in the USA for "diversity", like we aren't alREADY the most ethnically diverse country in the world, which I am proud of, and they should never have been allowed here.
I don't believe FOR ONE MINUTE that he was radicalized in the USA online. He practiced his eventual truck at least several times in the last few months and he drove on a DEDICATED bike path, unlike where we live where they steal 1/2 lanes and paint in bike paths and it would be VERY EASY to mow down a biker. Don't care for bikers myself, but I have no desire to run them over!
Our education system in USA public school system has failed in SO many ways, but the most egregious is a lack of understand of our Constitution, legal system and citizen benefits/freedoms. We should NOT have children who think that Mao Tse Tong, Che Guevere, and Stalin are heroes!!! For crying out loud, they are some of the biggest butchers of human beings in history. Same with the heinous idea that there should be a Muslim Caliphate who demands the assassination of all peoples in the world who don't believe in it.
I cannot help but be suspicious of the Moslem community that lives here now, many in MN who don't speak English and make NO EFFORT to assimilate into their communities. Their history of expansion in the Middle East and Europe is hundred of battles won (during the European Dark Ages,) territories taken, white (female) slavery and annihilation of infidels. The PS system castigates less than one dozen Christian Crusades as cruel and unusually punishing. It is lie after lie after lie, inCLUDING the lie that they saved mathematics and science. In actuality ancient Greek learning survived despite their efforts in destroying libraries with Greek texts. It was the Christian monks who saved their materials for posterity.
ANYBODY who wants to live with us needs to want to live like we live and appreciate our country, even our flaws. Most of us understand that MY rights stop where YOUR rights begin and that discourse should be civil, NOT violent.

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
"diversity" smer****y~ those among the mussies that believe killing us~is what they should do~ have to go~ out now~ with all their friends and family``` Playing roulette with American families~ me, woman and children is not OK~ don't worry about offending by watching them closely~ they watch us very closely where they hold sway~ and when they decide to kill us they do~ and go about it in the most direct way```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
You are referring to the driver```


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