Happy Thanksgiving Friends

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
A great and memorable day for a November 23rd in south-est, central-est Wisconsin this year.

Everything was delicious. Everything worked out to perfect timing for the meal. Everyone at the table enjoyed the food and the company. My dressing, turkey, and sweet potatoes were sucessful and I just got a request for my gravy recipe (like who uses recipes?) from someone who got their taste of our dinner at D-I-L's work today.

Jennye made all the side dishes. She commented that it was the first dinner she'd made that didn't get her all stressed out so she needed an extra half hour to cry before finishing the meal preparations.

God bless Singer and his sewing machines. Jennye and I really worked well together yesterday. That machine was the cheapest ice breaker I could imagine. Did I mention she invited me to "Murder on the Orient Express" with her last Tuesday night?

She still needs to believe she can change the house to fit her. She's mentioned getting the kitchen back in order for me and I told her we could work together to put it in her order. Nope, I guess she's settled in and feels comfortable learning how I have it. Besides, she said, the son and kids already know where everything is my way.

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