Garden Master
heh, how true on the lingering part Steve! but it lingers in my parents' fridge at the moment
i told my mom i would gladly take anything she couldn't or didn't want to fit in her fridge. or if it didn't get used in the next few days i would gladly swing by and grab it to take back to my chickens!
anyone thinking of raising turkeys next year i would say there are a few things to keep in mind. if raising them for food. DON"T GET ATTACHED! i raised 3 meat turkeys from a few days old last year and they were so cute while growing up. they followed me around the yard when i let them out of their area (probably because i babied them from the start). they foraged nicely but tried eating everything they could get! at the 4.5 month mark they were huge but having the leg issues which made me sad that it happened and there is not much you can do since they are like feathered piggies.
this is another good reason to keep them separated from your other birds, they would eat everything given to them and the other birds would always be looking for the feed. and like mentioned before, the diseases that can be transmitted between different forms of poultry. (turkeys are more closely related to pheasants than chickens btw.)
if i ever do turkeys again i would get the heritage breeds so i can keep them longer. they don't gain the weight as quickly or get as big as the meat breeds but they are much prettier than the broad breasted whites/bronze and don't have the leg and heart problems that meat breeds tend to have.

anyone thinking of raising turkeys next year i would say there are a few things to keep in mind. if raising them for food. DON"T GET ATTACHED! i raised 3 meat turkeys from a few days old last year and they were so cute while growing up. they followed me around the yard when i let them out of their area (probably because i babied them from the start). they foraged nicely but tried eating everything they could get! at the 4.5 month mark they were huge but having the leg issues which made me sad that it happened and there is not much you can do since they are like feathered piggies.
if i ever do turkeys again i would get the heritage breeds so i can keep them longer. they don't gain the weight as quickly or get as big as the meat breeds but they are much prettier than the broad breasted whites/bronze and don't have the leg and heart problems that meat breeds tend to have.