Land of Lincoln
Leafing Out
Hi everyone, new to the site here and have a question I'm hoping to have answered. I have several hedge trees lining one side of my property and the hedge apples right now are still falling from them. I have no idea what to do with them or if they're good for anything? I typically walk the row with a bucket in hand and pick them up with a poker stick I constructed and take them to work and toss them into the dumpster.
I was wondering if I could toss them into my compost pile? I really don't know what to do with them and wasn't sure of composting because of that glue like substance that they're known for having on them. I know they break down and stink to high heavens if you leave them in a bucket for too long. Just wondering if there's any real use for them or can toss in the compost?
I was wondering if I could toss them into my compost pile? I really don't know what to do with them and wasn't sure of composting because of that glue like substance that they're known for having on them. I know they break down and stink to high heavens if you leave them in a bucket for too long. Just wondering if there's any real use for them or can toss in the compost?